Yashpal faces an emotional conflict in Meri Durga

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Durga refuses to agree with Yashpal till he tells her the secret. She doesn’t want to prove Sanjay’s parents innocent. She demands Yashpal to tell the secret. This makes him attempt suicide. He builds up pressure on Durga for agreeing to him. Durga gets helpless to agree to Yashpal. She asks him to think of the consequences. Yashpal asks her to just do as he tells her and accept the lie in front of the press. Durga tells him that she will lie just for the sake of his life.

Rajveer asks Durga not to lie, else she will be out of every competition, her career will be ruined. He asks Yashpal to agree to them, making Durga lie can’t be a solution for anything. Durga tells Rajveer that her dad is really helpless, else he would have never said such a thing.

She pledges to leave her dreams of being the best runner. Rajveer tries to know the serious matter. Durga vents out her frustration on Sanjay. She threatens to ruin him, as he has crossed his limits this time. He tells her that he is just getting justice for his parents. She pities on his blindness. She tells him that his bad days will soon begin. Sanjay uses Yashpal’s weakness. He tells his parents that Durga will prove them innocent, she will clear all the blames off their name. Yashpal falls in dilemma over his fears and Durga’s dreams. He doesn’t want her dreams to get ruined.

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