Halla Bol 18th April 2014 8th Episode Bindass Written Update – Fight Marital Abuse

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Halla Bol Bindass

Karan starts by saying that its now election time and every party has women’s safety on their agenda. The story is about a 23-year old girl Sneha who is well-educated, vibrant and full of life. She met Saahil and was in love at first sight with him.. But her parents were against the marriage so without their approval, she shifted from Delhi to Mumbai after her marriage with Saahil.. But now she is in a terrible state..

Theme of this episode: Fight Marital Abuse and Rape

The story starts with Saahil working as a Radio Jockey (RJ) taking a call from a listener and speaking with a caller that love is the second name of respect and supports her and says that the girl’s boyfriend is using her as a property. He tells to all his radio listeners to respect women and no women deserve suffering in the name of relationship and advises the caller — Radhika to break the relationship. Sneha listens the radio and hears about Saahil speaking nice words and goes into the flashback where she is conversing with parents on her relationship with Saahil and telling them that she is going to stay with saahil..

The flashback ends and then Sneha tells to her maid about a good day today and then comes Saahil. She tells him that there is a good news. She tells to him that she got a job, he congratulates her and she tells they can do everything now.. Saahil tells that he will take care of the household and ask about her job details. She explains that the top makeup artist – Dheeraj Joshi was impressed from her fashion show photos and got a job with him as his Assistant. She says he is very cool and adorable. He taunts her that all the celebration is because of her boss. She asks him why he is angry but he doesn’t respond..She goes close to him but he avoids her and goes in another room..He tells her to go away and celebrate with her boss. He becomes hyper for which she apologizes without her fault

He comes in later to their room and apologizes to her for speaking angrily to her..She asks him why he was upset to which he respond that he doesn’t want to hear about others. They sleep together and after that Saahil leaves..

Next morning, Sneha is seen at the makeup artist set and Saahil is seen calling her to which she doesn’t respond. He comes at the spot and sees her talking nicely with her boss..He becomes very angry and leaves from there without Sneha knowing about him visiting the set.. In the evening, he asks her how was the shoot ?. He asks her how she was tired – work or fun ?. He tells her that he came to her makeup set and saw her busy with her cute boss. He tells her that he called many times and she didn’t pickup his call. He slaps her hard telling her at that time she was having fun and didn’t thought about him. He holds her and tells that actually she was having fun there and doesn’t care for him.. She again apologizes to him and tries to calm him down..She promises to not repeat this mistake..

Karan Tacker (the host): Says that violent reactions are unjustified..Saahil was wrong. He was weak and Sneha just ignored his violent behavior..

Next night, she comes home at 12:30 am and cites her late night shift as the reason. He tells her to come home by 8:00 pm.

Karan Tacker (the host): It’s not about jealousy and hatred, of Saahil, actually he wanted to control her – physically, mentally and emotionally..

Next day, Sneha’s boss invites her for his birthday party. The boss even agrees when Sneha tells to bring Saahil along with her to the party. Then, She goes with Saahil to the party. Saahil sees people there hugging and appreciating her beauty..The boss also thanks her for coming..The people says her to try to become an actress and they are also confident of her in getting a shampoo Ad. Saahil speaks there that she should actually try for which she becomes surprise.. At the party, she has good time with her boss, Saahil sees that and fumes internally..

After coming home, she says the party was good. After hearing this, Saahil shows his anger by throwing the water glass.. He tells her that everybody liked her hair at the party and she flirted with them.. He gets hold of her tightly and inflicts pain on her. He takes out a scissor and cuts her hair, she begs him not to cut and cries profusely but he cuts her hair.. He tells that both their pain has ended for the day.. He hugs her and says nobody has the right to look at her. She is only for him. He starts to get physical with her and abuses without her consent amounting to marital rape..

Next morning, she wakes up and remembers the last night’s physical abuse. She couldn’t stand on her feet and cries after seeing in the mirror her short hair.. She goes to see her hairs lying on the floor, holds them and cries.. She calls her mother and tells her about Saahil’s abuse and says that he is not good and talks on his bad behavior with her. Her mother suggests to take her own call regarding Saahil. The mother doesn’t speak much and tells her to take care.

Saahil comes home from his work and asks her about his office folder without asking her anything.. She tells him – Does he have any feeling on what happened to her last night? She tells him that he has abused her, she tells him that it’s called rape. He tells that he is her husband, and what’s wrong in being intimate with her and apologizes for cutting her hair.. She tells him if she wants, she can go to police. After hearing Sneha’s warning, he tells her that he will now show her the meaning of rape and then again rapes her..

Karan: No reason to justify what Saahil did to Sneha. Men need to respect their wife. And men who doesn’t respect their wife is actually a coward.

Sneha Halla Bol

The maid comes to her home and sees Sneha lying close to bed with her hands tied down to the bed. She tells her maid to leave. She sees herself in the mirror and notices all the injury marks on her body inflicted by Saahil’s abuse.. She tries to cover those marks on her face and neck with some makeup and remembers – her old good days, the scene when Saahil cut her hair, the second rape, and also her mother’s words. She then wipes out her tears from the face and gets motivated to face this harsh reality with courage.

She calls Saahil at his radio in the disguise of a caller. She says that she came to mumbai and left her job, family and everything for a guy. Saahil at his radio centre speaks to her (the caller) asking what happened. She tells that the guy is violent as he doesn’t feel anything about her.. It was not just enough. He even raped her. She says if she is married, does that mean she has to bore abuse all her life,. She doesn’t have relatives, not much friends.. she tells him that she doesn’t know what to do and asks his help. Saahil (the RJ) tries to tell his listeners that abusing women is an offence and tells that it is a sign of a weak person who does that abuse.. He tells the caller to fight.. She thanks him.. and then discloses to him that she is actually Sneha his wife. And says that he deserves this public humiliation..

Saahil comes home after this incident of shame for him and looks for Sneha..and then finds Sneha.. He tells her how she could damage his reputation on his own radio show. He tells that he raped her because she deserves that.. Then she hits him and also slaps him heavily with courage. By that time, neighbors come in. She takes him outside the building and says that she was always quiet that’s why he has beaten her.. Her silence doesn’t mean that he can rape her.. He tries to beg her but she doesn’t listen. After that people thrash him openly and thereafter the police comes to arrests him..

Karan Tacker (the host): Sneha has told halla Bol and she won saluting her spirit and courage.

Guest on the show: Aishwarya Sakhuja (actress) tells about her friend who was married and everything was good. But after some time, the friend’s husband has a work problem and then he started abusing her. After this, they went to the police.

Karan Tacker (the host): Marriage is a pure bond, it is not a deal. Also, marriage is not a license for abuse. Karan signs off by saying – Don’t be silent, stand up, raise your voice and say – Halla Bol, Change Aayega.. Hum Laayenge..

Halla Bol Episode 8

Images credit: Official Facebook Page of Bindass

Full Episode Video:
[youtube id=http://youtu.be/wwdrkMmYsk8]


2 responses to “Halla Bol 18th April 2014 8th Episode Bindass Written Update – Fight Marital Abuse”

  1. Rainbow Avatar

    Some men take mrg as cerificate to abuse/rape a women. Most of men doesnt respect the women n our society. Women be independent to have a gud lyf

  2. drashti vaghela Avatar
    drashti vaghela

    Whats the real name of sahil?

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