Humsafars bidding adieu this week with happy ending – Sahir and Aarzoo as endearing soulmates

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sahir-Aarzoo humsafars

Humsafars bids adieu with its final telecast this week. Alvira’s truth of being Zeenat’s step-mother and her actions have come out in open. Alvira faced much humiliation from Zeenat, her own husband both in terms of respect and financial. Zeenat’s dad in his will gave his property to her and sidelined Alvira and her children from previous marriage. This doesn’t go well with Alvira and she was the who was behind Zeenat’s accident and also have tried on many occasions to harm her. The rationale was that if something happens to Zeenat then according to the will her husband Sahir will get the property and moreover some clauses which cannot be accepted by Alvira.

In essence, Alvira’s actions were driven by humiliation and thus she kept an eye on Sahir’s company Saiyaara too. Anam/Anu was the one who gave the evidence of Zeenat’s dad will. Also the affair of Vikram and Zeenat is coming to the fore. Vikram kidnaps Anam and later learns that Sahir & others came to know of Alvira’s truth. He suggests to Zeenat on eloping. However, with things changed Zeenat takes a U-turn and tries to come close to Sahir while suggesting of not knowing about Vikram. Sahir is not going to fall in Zeenat’s plan who was earlier conspiring to trap him. He decides to give her a divorce and stay with his better-half Aarzoo. With Alvira’s crimes coming out, she would be facing the law and Zeenat meeting her fate after Sahir’s decision. Finally, it has to seen whether Zeenat’s dad will (and its clauses) in divorce scenario usher prosperity for Sahir. Nevertheless, the show is having a happy ending with Sahir showering love to Aarzoo and both remaining strong as endearing Humsafars (soulmates). We wish the entire cast all the best in their future work endeavors and a special mention and thanks to actors Harshad Chopra and Shivya Pathania.

Wishes from a fan:



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  1. Ahsana farhath.p.s Avatar
    Ahsana farhath.p.s

    I need season2 of hamsafar plzzzz

  2. zoya Avatar

    love u harshad,plzzzzzzzzzz cme back with a new story….

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