Ek Bhram making way for happy union closure

Ek Bhram Love secrecy twist; Sufiyana Madhav’s Heroic act

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Ek Bhram Love secrecy twist; Sufiyana Madhav’s Heroic act Sneha’s husband Jugal misbehaves with Saltanat. When he gets caught red-handed, he lies and frames Saltanat in front of Sneha. He tells Sneha that Saltanat was trying to woo him. Sneha wants to send Saltanat away from the house soon. Kainat’s surgery gets successful. Zaroon gets regretting that he couldn’t do justice with his wife Saltanat. He promises to take care of his wife. Kainat’s truth is still unknown to the family. Nadim blames Zaroon for the accident and feels Zaroon is a blunder in Saltanat’s life. He weeps that Saltanat has lost her identity because of Zaroon’s baseless anger.

Zaroon apologizes to Nadim and Rudina. He wants to give his total attention to his wife now. Zaroon takes Kainat home and gets caring for her. He hopes she recovers soon. The family is worried, expecting a new face for Saltanat. Meanwhile, Saltanat tries to recollect her past. She wants to know about Zaroon. Sneha plans to sell away Saltanat so that she doesn’t come back home. She gifts a red saree to Saltanat and asks her to get ready to meet her family. She tricks Saltanat. She takes Saltanat to the brothel and pays the man to trap Saltanat forever. Saltanat finds the place really troubling. Sneha thinks finally she got rid of Saltanat.

Krish happens to reach there by hiding in the car. He finds Saltanat kidnapped. He calls Madhav and Zaroon to seek help for Saltanat. Saltanat tries to save herself from kidnappers. Madhav and Zaroon reach Saltanat in time and save her from the goons. Madhav beats the goons and protects Saltanat. When the goon attacks Madhav from behind, Zaroon steps there to protect Madhav. Saltanat is in shock knowing Sneha’s dirty plan. Madhav wants revenge on Kainat. He doesn’t want Kainat to lose her respect. He wants to make Kainat pay for her crimes.

Saltanat respects Madhav for saving her. She tells him that Sneha lied to her and got her to the brothel. Madhav turns angry knowing about Sneha’s evil move. Saltanat refuses to go home with him. She reacts in anger and gets stubborn that she won’t go home. Krish insists her to come home. She agrees just for Krish’s sake. Zaroon keeps an eye on Madhav to know his intentions.

Reviewed Rating for this particular episode: 3/5
This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your take on the show in the comment section below.

Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna:
Kabir and Pooja’s dreamy romance will be seen. They are compelled by their mothers to abandon each other and end their relation. Kabir hides from the family to meet Pooja and spend time with her. He hears her expresses her feelings for him, while talking to her dad’s picture. He learns that Pooja too loves him. He stops Pooja from avoiding him. He asks her to not suppress her feelings. He tells her that he believes her and also her true emotions.

Pooja breaks down and hugs him. Their dreamy romance turns true. Pooja gets happy when Kabir expresses his love. She also confesses love to him. They have mutual love between them. She wakes him up and asks him to go out fast, before the family sees them. Their secret romance goes on. She sends him from the window before Suman enters her room. They want to convince their family to accept their love.

Reviewed Rating for this particular episode: 3/5
This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your take on the show in the comment section below.







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