Fanaa 15th April 2022 Written Update Past truth

Fanaa 15th April 2022 Written Update Past truth

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Fanaa 15th April 2022 Written Update Past truth Agastya thanks Daayi maa for taking care of Pakhi. Daayi maa leaves happily. Agastya tells unconscious Pakhi that he will keep her happy. He also tells Pakhi that he loves her so much that he won’t let her get separated from him ever. Agastya goes to talk to Daayi Maa. Daayi expresses happiness to see Agastya after a long time. Agastya thanks Daayi for her help. Suddenly Daayi Maa sees Yug coming into the kitchen. She thinks of him to be a washerman and starts beating him and asks him to give her clothes back.

Agastya somehow stops Daayi from beating Yug. He introduces Yug to Daayi maa as his employee. Agastya tells Daayi Maa that he will get her new clothes. Suddenly, Daayi Maa forgets everything and asks Agastya what she was doing. Agastya tells Daayi Maa that she was making food for her. Daayi Maa returns to the kitchen. Agastya tells Yug that he intentionally brought Pakhi to the house where Daayi Maa lives. He tells him that Daayi Maa is ill, forgets things every minute and thus they gave this old bunglow of theirs to her. Yug understands Agastya’s vicious plan.

Agastya instructs Yug to keep watch on this bunglow. He also asks Yug to go to Delhi and update him about the situation there. Agastya further asks Yug about Virat’s condition. Yug tells Agastya that Virat is serious and thus he doesn’t need to take any tension. Agastya’s step mother’s hand and ring, like always shown, is shown in a car parked outside the bungalow where Pakhi is held captive. Yug feels something suspicious but still leaves from there in another car. On the other hand, Pakhi gains consciousness and screams.

Daayi Maa asks Agastya, who is it? Agastya reminds Daayi that he already told her that the woman inside the room is his wife. He asks Daayi Maa to let her rest as she is a little unwell. Daayi Maa who trusts Agastya believes his lies too. Later in the kitchen, Agastya offers to help Daayi Maa to prepare food for Pakhi. Daayi asks Agastya what Pakhi likes to eat. Agastya recalls that Pakhi likes to eat chole bhature. He saw it when he used to keep watch on Pakhi. Agastya tells Daayi Maa that Pakhi likes to eat chole bhature. While Daayi Maa starts leaving for the kitchen, Agastya stops her.

He again offers to help Daayi Maa prepare food for Pakhi. Daayi Maa asks Agastya, how he will cook food as he has pyrophobia, fear of fire. Agastya asks Daayi Maa she forgets the things that happened one minute before but remembers all things that happened many years ago. He tells Daayi Maa that he can at least help her in preparing things which are prepared without using fire. Daayi agrees to make Agastya help her. Then they start preparing chole bhature for Pakhi. Agastya helps Daayi Maa in kneading bhatura dough. Then she tries giving them shape but fails.

After sometime, Agastya enters the room, where he has held Pakhi captive. Pakhi feels disgusted seeing him. Agastya tells Pakhi that he knows that she is angry with him. He tries to make Pakhi eat her favorite choley bhature, but she pushes away the plate, making it fall. Pakhi screams and asks Agastya to stop and also calls him a big animal. Agastya gets shocked. Pakhi asks Agastya why he kept her tied here and brought her here forcefully. She also asks Agastya if he thinks he will get saved. Pakhi tells Agastya that he won’t be able to save himself for what madness he is doing. She asks Agastya to open her ties.

Agastya politely asks Agastya, if she is this much angry. He tells Pakhi that he will bring her whatever she wants to have. Agastya asks Pakhi to not be hyper or take stress as she can fall ill this way. Pakhi asks Agastya to not come near him. She tells him that he needs treatment. Pakhi also tells Agastya that Neelima should have got him treated in childhood only and shouldn’t have given him such freedom. She screams and asks for someone’s help. Agastya stops Pakhi from going towards the door. He angrily pushes her on the bed. Pakhi gets shocked with Agastya’s behavior.

Agastya angrily tells Pakhi that he has gone mad because of her only. He shouts at Pakhi and asks her if she can’t understand that he loves her. Agastya grabs Pakhi’s arms and angrily asks her what he lacks that she doesn’t love him. He tells Pakhi that he has done everything in his hand for years to make her happy and to get her. Agastya angrily asks Pakhi who does something like this for anyone. He also asks Pakhi why can’t she see that what he did for her, no one can do. Agastya scares Pakhi with his mad behavior and tells her that she will be tied till she accepts his love. He tells Pakhi that he will even keep her lifetime like this, if required.

Suddenly, Agastya goes a little calm and asks Pakhi if she thinks that he is enjoying keeping her like this. He tells Pakhi that he doesn’t like seeing her in this condition. Agastya asks Pakhi to tell him what he should do. He also asks Pakhi to understand that he became a criminal in everyone’s eyes only because of her. Agastya says he is running from the law and everyone for her. He asks Pakhi why can’t she understand that no one can ever love her like him. Agastya also asks Pakhi to see and understand that he has loved her for many years, still loves her and will always keep loving her.

Pakhi keeps crying profusely because of Agastya’s mad behavior. Agastya tells Pakhi that it’s not her but Ishaan and Virat’s fault as they poisoned her mind against him. He asks Pakhi why she came in Virat and Ishaan’s words. Agastya tells Pakhi that instead she should have used her own brain and understood that Ishaan and Virat are wrong. Pakhi gets shocked when Agastya tells her that he has waited for the whole 16 years to confess his love to her. He asks who does this. Agastya tells Pakhi that he can wait for her his whole lifetime. He also tells Pakhi that they can’t be separated because they are connected to and made for each other.

Agastya makes Pakhi see the food she threw on the floor in anger. He tells Pakhi that he prepared it for her with much love. Agastya starts giving ideas to Pakhi to control her anger. He asks Pakhi to try meditation and breathing exercises. Pakhi feels shocked seeing Agastya’s weird and mad behavior. She feels disgusted when Agastya kisses her head. When Agastya walks towards the door to bring other food for Pakhi, she stops him. Pakhi requests Agastya to leave her alone as she doesn’t even want to see his face. Agastya feels angrier and Fanaa-Ishq Mein Marjawan title song plays in the background. Agastya and Pakhi both cry profusely.

While crying, Pakhi requests God to save her as she wants to go home. Agastya feels bad for Pakhi but his madness and obsession for Pakhi doesn’t let him let Pakhi go. He walks to another room, locking Pakhi. Agastya takes out a bag from the cupboard and hugs it tightly. He recalls seeing Pakhi happy in the past, when he used to keep a watch on her. Agastya also recalls his happy moments with Pakhj before and after their marriage. Title song keeps playing in the background. Agastya takes out his and Pakhi’s old things from a bag and keeps on recalling his wedding night, when he showed these things to Pakhi.

Agastya hugs Pakhi’s old monkey shaped stuffed toy. On the other hand, outside the police station, Ranjit Singh tells Sameer and Ishaan that it’s not clear if Agastya is in Delhi or not as he didn’t get caught in strict police checking too. He says this means Agastya is even more clever than thought. Ranjit tells Ishaan and Sameer he called a sketch artist and will get Agastya’s sketch made by them. Sameer tells Ranjit that they will help him as much as they can. Ge requests Ranjit to quickly find Pakhi and catch Agastya. Ranjit asks Sameer and Ishaan to not worry as he won’t spare Agastya so easily.

Ranjit leaves, Ishaan falls and Sameer helps him. Sameer asks Ishaan what happened. Ishaan tells Sameer that his knee has been in pain since morning as he got wounded by stone yesterday. He says that he thinks that he needs to get x-ray done. Sameer asks Ishaan if he would be able to walk. Ishaan replies yes and leaves with Sameer. Yug can be seen nearby keeping a watch on them and police officers handling Pakhi’s kidnapping case. On the other hand, Agastya again takes food for Pakhi. He asks Pakhi to not throw away food this time as she can’t be hungry all the time.

Pakhi signs that she will have food. She refuses to have food by Agastya’s hands. Agastya let’s Pakhi have food by her own hands. Pakhi asks Agastya to stop pretending to care about her. She tells Agastya that his love is beyond her understanding. Pakhi explains to Agastya that if we love someone, we don’t get hidden cameras fitted in their home. She also explains to Agastya that it’s wrong to keep a watch on anyone’s life. Pakhi reveals to Agastya that Virat and Ishaan didn’t expose him in front of her but she herself came to know his reality. She also reveals to Agastya that she knows about his secret room made behind his cupboard.

Pakhi explains to Agastya that the thing he considers love and care is called invading someone’s privacy and life. Agastya asks Pakhi if not this, what he would have done, other than this. He tells Pakhi that if he would have told her that he wants her to be in front of his eyes for 24*7, she would’ve not understood him. Agastya tells Pakhi that she won’t understand what it feels/means to wait for 16 years for someone. Pakhi asks Agastya what he means by 16 years as they know each other for only 5 years. Agastya tells Pakhi that he has known her for 16 years. This information shocks Pakhi.

Agastya tells Pakhi that 16 years ago when his mother burnt him, he was 8 years old and admitted in hospital. He also tells Pakhi that no one used to come near him and everyone felt disgusted to be near him due to his burns. Agastya further tells Pakhi that due to his burns’ foul smell, even nurses don’t used to come near him to apply medicines to his wounds. He reveals to Pakhi that no one talked to him with love even once. Agastya says no one tried to understand his pain and feelings. He tells Pakhi that he wanted/wished to die at that time.

Agastya also tells Pakhi that one day a 5-year old girl came to his room and didn’t feel disgusted by him. He says that girl didn’t hate him and used to remain happy. Agastya tells Pakhi that that girl used to try her best to keep him happy and also used to narrate stories to him. He also tells Pakhi that by seeing that girl’s unique smile, he started forgetting his wounds. Agastya says he used to remain happy and forgot his sadness, whenever that girl used to come and meet him. He reveals to Pakhi that she was that girl. Agastya tells Pakhi that it was her, who gave him a new life 16 years ago.

He reminds Pakhi that the hospital in which he was admitted, her father used to visit for work there. Agastya tells Pakhi that even she used to come to the same hospital with her father, sometimes. He also tells Pakhi that he used to forget all his sorrows, seeing her one smile. Agastya also tells that he used to wait for her, so that he could forget his pain and sorrows. He shows Pakhi the gifts that she gave her in their childhood. Pakhi recalls all of it. She understands that Agastya loves her madly, because he got well in childhood, because of her.

In the next episode, Pakhi will pretend to be unconscious and bleeding. Daayi Maa will get shocked seeing Pakhi like that. She will run to her. Pakhi will use the opportunity and hit Daayi Maa’s head with a lantern. After all this, Pakhi will steal her shackles key from Daayi Maa’s clothes and unlock her foot. She will start running away from the room, where she is held captive.

Reviewed Rating for Fanaa 15th April 2022 Written Update Past truth: 4/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.






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