Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Bhagya Lakshmi 31st May 2022 Written Update Destiny game Neelam tells Virender that she is thinking to get Rishi and Malishka engaged. Rishi tells his engagement decision to Lakshmi. He tells Lakshmi that he is going to start a new life with Malishka, Lakshmi is just his past and past must always be left behind. Neelam tells that Rishi will get his happiness today. Lakshmi tells Shalu that everything has to be done on a right time, and the time to say anything has passed away. Balwinder wants to stab Rishi and kill him. Lakshmi tells that Rishi and Malishka are doing wrong by getting engaged, nobody is understanding this, but there is a court above the world as well, and justice shall prevail. Shalu wants to help Lakshmi. She tells that she will do Lakshmi’s work, and goes away.
Earlier in the show, Lakshmi tells Shalu that she doesn’t want to tell anything to Rishi, she has to know his feelings first, if he doesn’t feel anything now, then he will never feel anything. Rishi recalls Malishka’s words. He remembers how Lakshmi risked her life to save him. He listens to his heart and goes to speak to Lakshmi to know her feelings.
Rishi thanks Lakshmi for doing so much for him, for saving his life so many times. Lakshmi asks him why is he breathing heavily. Rishi calms down. She asks why is he so tensed, like he is thinking something troubling. He asks her how can she know it. She tells that she knows him well. He asks her why did she stop the engagement, what did she want to say about them that she called him out. He wants to know what she has to say, and gives her a fair chance to confess her feelings. Will she confess her love to Rishi? Keep reading.
Bhagya Lakshmi 31st May 2022 Written Update Destiny game:
Virender informs Dadi that Neelam is okay. Doctor tells that Neelam is okay, she can go home in a few hours. Dadi asks Virender to bring Neelam home in some time. She goes to inform Sonia about Neelam. Balwinder hears this and realizes that Neelam fell down the stairs, Lakshmi is still safe, the engagement will happen today itself. He thinks Lakshmi’s fate is good. Doctor asks everyone to meet Neelam, but one by one. Karishma and Kiran head to meet Neelam. Virender tells Ayush that Neelam will want to meet Rishi first. Ayush goes to find Rishi. Rishi asks Lakshmi what was she going to tell him.
She asks him the matter. He tells that she wanted to talk to him in front of the guests when everyone was present, and now she isn’t saying anything. He claps and asks her what was happening, when Malishka was making him wear the ring. He asks her to answer him first and not walk out. He wants an answer. He tells that she had come to break his engagement with Malishka. She tells that she wanted to say something, that he shouldn’t get engaged to Malishka, because she saved his life. He tells that he didn’t believe what Malishka said, but she was right.
He replies that he also saved Lakshmi and their scores are equal, she just wanted to hurt Malishka and him. He gets angry on her. He tells that its not possible that anyone can hurt Malishka and him, and break his engagement, he will start a new life with Malishka. He calls Lakshmi his past and tells that he is leaving her behind. He doesn’t listen to her and leaves. Neelam tells Karishma that she is okay. Kiran asks her to take rest. Neelam tells that she is totally okay, she wants Rishi and Malishka’s engagement to happen, they may change their mind if they get into a fight, Lakshmi shouldn’t take an advantage of their fights.
She asks Karishma to send Virender for a talk. Kiran suggests Neelam to meet Virender in private and convince him. Virender asks Karishma is Neelam okay. Karishma tells that Neelam is better now. Virender goes to meet Neelam. Kiran and Karishma stop Malishka there. Virender asks Neelam is she okay, she is hurt on her head. Neelam asks him not to scare her mum-in-law by telling her condition. He tells that his mum loves her a lot and wants to see her smiling. She asks him not to worry, she is okay. She asks for her son.
Rishi meets Neelam. She tells that she was talking about him, he has a really long life. He hugs her and asks her is she in pain. She tells that she is fine that she has seen him. Malishka meets her and asks is she okay. Neelam tells that she is okay, she wants their engagement to happen today. Virender wants to postpone the engagement. Neelam tells that she doesn’t want any other drama or delay. She wants the engagement to happen on the decided day. Lakshmi finds Ahana crying and goes to console her. Ahana asks her how did she change so much. Lakshmi hugs her. Ahana tells that she is really scared.
Ayush finds them and asks Ahana is she mad. He warns Lakshmi and asks her not to give much pain to his family further. He tells that divide and rule policy won’t work here. Shalu comes there and finds Ayush shouting on Lakshmi. She stops Ayush from misbehaving with her sister. Ayush asks Lakshmi to stay away from all of them. He takes Ahana with him. Shalu tells that they should not tolerate the wrong. She asks if Lakshmi spoke to Rishi, what did he say. Lakshmi replies that Rishi wants to start a new life with Malishka. Shalu asks her if she told Rishi that she loves him.
Lakshmi tells that Rishi isn’t understanding, they shall go and see Neelam once. Shalu tells that they will forget it now. They go to see Neelam. They don’t find Neelam or any of the Oberois around. They get puzzled. Lakshmi asks the nurse about Neelam. Nurse tells that Neelam left with her family. Lakshmi blames herself. Shalu tells that its good that Neelam got discharged. Lakshmi tells that she should have told the truth to Rishi, but its too late now. She feels that she didn’t tell anything thinking of telling them later on. She asks Shalu to come home with her. Balwinder and Bobby see Oberois back. They get the drinks. Dadi is glad to see Neelam. Neelam learns that the pandit left.
Virender asks Ayush to call the pandit. Neelam thanks the guests for being there, the engagement will happen, Rishi will get his happiness, Malishka. She tells that she will change and come, she wants to look good in her son’s engagement. Balwinder thinks its Rishi and Lakshmi’s engagement. He wants to plan something to stop the engagement. Bobby advises him to steal the engagement rings. Balwinder calls him really smart. He tells that everyone will find the ring, and get busy. He plans to kill Rishi after everyone gets distracted. Virender welcomes the pandit. He tells Rishi that he has called the other pandit on Neelam’s command. He compliments Neelam. Rishi tells that they will start the engagement rituals again. Pandit informs them that the engagement mahurat has passed.
Reviewed Rating for Bhagya Lakshmi 31st May 2022 Written Update Destiny game: 3/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.
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