Kundali Bhagya New Wedding track 13th June 2022 Spoilers

Kundali Bhagya 31st May 2022 Written Update Rishabh arrival

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Kundali Bhagya 31st May 2022 Written Update Rishabh arrival Karan is seen marrying Natasha. Everyone in the Luthra house seem happy. Prithvi and Sherlyn are really happy that Natasha is taking Preeta’s place and finally Preeta would be out of the house. They applaud Karan for his decision. Karan takes a step of marrying Natasha according to his huge drama to make Preeta jealous. Karan wants Preeta to stop his marriage. Pandit asks the groom to make the bride wear the mangalsutra. Preeta comes in the nick of time and finds Karan putting the mangalsutra in Natasha’s neck. She shouts Karan and stops him. She brings Rishabh along. Preeta fulfills her promise to Mahesh and Rakhi, and brings Rishabh home.

Rishabh comes after Preeta. His entry in the house comes as a huge surprise for Karan and the Luthra family. Rishabh grows emotional on meeting his family. Karan sheds tears of joy and feels indebted to Preeta. Prithvi and Sherlyn are taken aback by this shocking unexpected twist in the tale. Preeta was doing her duty towards the family and their happiness. Karan realizes that Preeta was really working hard in bringing Rishabh home and fulfilled her promise. Preeta wants Rishabh to unite with the family. She pledges to throw out Prithvi and Sherlyn from the house, by exposing them. Will Preeta really expose Prithi, Sherlyn and Natasha? Will Preeta and Karan’s love pay a price for the family’s happiness? Is fate testing Karan and Preeta’s love? How excited are you to see Rishabh back in the track and the Luthra family? Leave your comment below. Keep reading.

Kundali Bhagya 31st May 2022 Written Update Rishabh arrival:

Natasha asks Sherlyn to come with her and help, then she will give her a reward. Karan is displeased with Preeta. Shrishti tells that Karan looks much upset. She goes with Sameer. Rakhi tells Mahesh that she didn’t expect this to happen. She doesn’t understand what Preeta wants to do and why. Mahesh asks her to trust Preeta. She asks him is he understanding what she is saying. Mahesh trusts Preeta. Rakhi finds Natasha coming downstairs in the bridal dress. Natasha hugs her mum. Karan comes downstairs. He is upset and awaits Preeta. He sits in the mandap. Prithvi and Sherlyn are happy with the happenings.

Bani asks Rakhi where is the pandit when the bride and the groom are ready. Sameer and Shrishti bribe the pandit and stop him from going inside. Shrishti asks pandit not to conduct Karan’s marriage. Kareena calls pandit and asks him when is he coming. Pandit lies about the accident and tells that he can’t come. Kareena tells the family that pandit met with an accident and he isn’t able to come. Shrishti thanks the pandit and sends him away. Prithvi tells the family that he will arrange the pandit, he already kept a pandit on standby, the marriage will happen today at any cost.

Kareena thanks him. Natasha is happy that Karan isn’t in his senses, his brain is dead and he won’t react anything. Prithvi gets the pandit. He tells that the marriage rituals should begin soon. Sameer tells Shrishti that it will be a big problem, because the pandit has come. She tells that they will break the mandap. She asks him not to be shocked. She calls Preeta to inform her about Karan’s marriage with Natasha. She gets her number switched off.

Natasha asks Karan not to worry, Preeta will come and then stop the marriage, they shall do the rituals and continue the drama. Karan cries and waits for Preeta to come and stop his marriage. Pandit asks them to exchange the garlands. Preeta brings Rishabh home. Rishabh gets delighted and feels at peace when he comes home. Preeta pays the cab driver. She goes to Rishabh. She asks Rishabh to come with her. She rushes inside the house to stop Karan and Natasha’s marriage. Natasha makes Karan wear the garland. Karan looks at the door and waits for Preeta till the final moment.

Prithvi tells Sherlyn that their victory is certain, he has fixed everything, Karan and Natasha are getting married, they have got rid of the blackmailer also, Preeta will have no stand in the house now. She asks him to go to Dubai and get the papers signed by Rishabh, then they will get everything. He tells that he will book the tickets now. Pandit asks Karan to make the bride wear the garlands. Kareena asks Karan to proceed. Preeta comes inside the house and shouts Karan. She stops Karan from exchanging the garland. Karan feels dizzy due to the spiked water. Natasha asks him not to stop and just do what they decided, when Preeta sees him doing this, she will run to him and confess her love. She asks Karan to just do it.

Karan wants Preeta to just say it. Karan turns to make Natasha wear the garland. Rakhi expects Preeta to say something. Rishabh comes home. The family is surprised to see him back. Shrishti and Sameer are happy that Preeta has finally succeeded in her mission of rescuing Rishabh. Prithvi and Sherlyn are shocked by their defeat. Karan gets emotional seeing Rishabh. He drops the garland and removes the Pagdi. He runs to hug Rishabh. Rishabh asks Karan what is he doing. Karan is glad that Rishabh has come home. Rishabh questions him about the marriage, did he lose his mind to cheat Preeta. He angrily slaps Karan.

Rakhi cries emotionally. Karan hugs Rishabh. Rishabh asks Karan is he in his senses. He tells the pandit that Karan is already married, this marriage can’t happen. Karan asks him where was he till now. Rakhi tells Mahesh that Rishabh has come back. Rishabh asks Rakhi and Mahesh why didn’t they slap Karan. Karan cries a lot and hugs his brother. The family cries seeing their bonding. Mahesh also gets happy seeing Rishabh. He asks Rishabh where had he gone. Prithvi and Sherlyn see their doom close and get stressed seeing Rishabh’s union with the Luthras. Rishabh tells them that he will not go anywhere now.

Prithvi’s friend thinks the marriage won’t happen now. He leaves. Prithvi thinks its unbelievable, how did Rishabh get saved from the death sentence and come back home a day before. He calls it a miracle. Rishabh meets the entire family. Karan asks him the same thing, and wants to know where did he go leaving his family. He tells that he was afraid that he won’t be able to see Rishabh again. He shouts on Rishabh and seeks an answer. Rishabh tells Karan that he isn’t so irresponsible to leave Karan and family. He reveals his problem. He tells that he went to Dubai, because he was upset with some people here, he wanted to come back to the family but couldn’t come, he was trapped in a fake drug case, he was jailed in Dubai. The family is hugely shocked to know Rishabh’s sorrowful story.


Reviewed Rating for Kundali Bhagya 31st May 2022 Written Update Rishabh arrival: 5/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.

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10 responses to “Kundali Bhagya 31st May 2022 Written Update Rishabh arrival”

  1. Neeru Avatar

    Very shameful for this drama that Karan marrying Criminal Natasha that’s what he deserves and very shameful for Luthra Family that they let this crime happen in the house Rahki I am very disappointed from you so shameful

  2. Krishu Avatar

    Always disappointd show they never showed what fans want again leap ,preeran sepration what the hell is this.

  3. اماني ابو قمر Avatar
    اماني ابو قمر

    I hope Preeta and Rishabh reveal the truth about Charlene, Prithvi and Natasha, and Karan knows the truth and apologizes to Preeta and all the family, especially Kareena and her daughter.

  4. Gomathi Avatar

    Becoming boring after every show. Rest of the people are unaware of prithvi, sherlyn and natasha act. Are they so dum and duffers. Preetha should leave karan to trach h a lession. Dum fellow good for nothing.

  5. Janardan Prasad Singh Avatar
    Janardan Prasad Singh

    Yes,the character Karan Luthra is worst in Kundali Bhagya. How he can be a cricketer having cruel and hopeless mindset. Already,he has earned 4-black dot character of KB and it invites his suspension from the show,no doubt bad and unaccepted character effects the images of Actor as per cineworld root.Very much disappointing

  6. Maria Gretta Dsouza Avatar
    Maria Gretta Dsouza

    Really sad to watch this show. What nonsense and senseless characters are shown so much bad? Can some where truth win or all the characters are shown so dumb and useless they cannot understand the moto of three Marties? On one hand Karan is shown as big cricket star and same time his role is so useless. I cannot understand why directors or producers cannot understand this and what public expect of this show?

  7. dagmar Avatar

    ich frage mich langsam, wieviel frauen darf ein mann in indien heiraten?
    karan hat preeta geheiratet, dann will er monisha unter druck heiraten.
    kurz danach ist es mahira, die er aus wut über preeta heiraten will und nun ist es natasha?
    was soll das?
    fällt den drehbuchautoren nichts besseres ein, als immer wieder das gleiche script, nur mit anderen namen!!!
    die serie begann einmal sehr interessant, aber dann begann der schwachsinn,
    sherlyn war fast zwei jahre schwanger (ich glaube, der drehbuchautor hatte diesen fakt vergessen),
    ständig wird im script erläutert, dass das böse immer gewinnt und das gute verliert
    wieso verlassen sich die cleveren luthras immer nur auf preeta und tun rein gar nichts.
    die oma hat keine eigene meinung, kareena manipuliert ihre ganze familie (wieso wohnt sie eigentlich im haus ihres bruders und nicht im haus ihrer schwiegereltern),
    kritika ist einfach nur dumm, richab verlässt sein haus, ohne die wahrheit aufzudecken und
    karan, ja karan hat nichts im kopf, denkt, er ist der größte und klügste, aber er ist einfach nur dumm!!!!
    es geht den machern nur um möglichst viele folgen und die qualität wird immer schlimmer.
    bringt es endlich zum schluss und beendet die serie!!!!!

  8. Zeeee Avatar

    I just hope rishab exposed sherlin, apart from preeta he is the only one in the luthra mansion that knows sherlin truth, but am sure he will loose his memory before exposing her

  9. Clarine Avatar

    Viewers are tired with this type of storyline where only the good people are made to suffer and the evil ones seems to always have good luck on their side it’s time for a paradigm shift.

  10. Dj kev Avatar
    Dj kev

    As always evil seems to have a better hand on these zee shows

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