Udaariyaan 30th July 2022 Written Update Fatejo is back

Udaariyaan 30th July 2022 Written Update Fatejo is back

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Udaariyaan 30th July 2022 Written Update Fatejo is back Tejo returns to Virk house with Fateh as his wedded wife. Virk and Sandhu family together welcomes Fateh and Tejo by showering rose petals on them. Tejo touches the elders feet and takes blessings from them. She also hugs everyone with a big smile on her face. Everyone wholeheartedly accepts Tejo and expresses love towards her. Mahi tells Tejo that the happiness of Virk house and family are only because of her. She requests Tejo to never go away from the Virk house and family. Tejo and Fateh dance with everyone happily.

Everyone claps when Tejo and Fateh perform a couple dance. Fateh and Tejo again involve everyone in dancing with them. Tejo’s outfit’s hook gets open. She secretly asks Fateh to help her with it. Fateh gets close to Tejo and carefully takes her aside. Then Fateh helps shy Tejo, by tying her outfit’s hook. Just after this Fateh sees Jasmine arriving with Lovely and Harman at his house. Even Jasmine sees Fateh. Fateh recalls warning or threatening Jasmine to go away from Moga, him, Tejo and everyone, if she wants herself to be safe. Gurpreet hugs Jasmine and Jasmine smiles evilly looking at Fateh.

Fateh feels angry and decides to keep Jasmine away from Tejo by revealing Jasmine’s misdeeds to Tejo. Jasmine keeps on showing attitude to Fateh. She fakes innocence and asks Gurpreet if she didn’t feel bad by her arrival. Jasmine says she came to be present in Tejo’s happiness. Gurpreet tells Jasmine that she didn’t feel bad at all. She also tells Jasmine that it’s her right to move on in life. Gurpreet further tells Jasmine that she can visit Virk house anytime, being Amrik’s wife and mother of Amrik’s child. Fateh feels angry hearing all this.

Simran tells Tejo that Gurpreet keeps on seeing grandchild’s dreams, since Jasmine got pregnant. She reveals to Tejo that Jasmine didn’t wish to give birth to this child. Simran tells Tejo that raising a child without a father becomes difficult. Before Simran could tell Tejo that Jasmine decided to marry Fateh to give a father to her child, Satti stops Simran in between. Satti tells Tejo that Jasmine has decided to marry again for her upcoming child’s sake. She also tells Tejo that Jasmine has even found a boy for marriage. Fateh keeps on getting angry because Jasmine keeps on showing him attitude from a distance.

In anger, Fateh presses a lit candle and burns his hand. Tejo on the other hand expresses happiness about Jasmine’s decision of a second marriage. She tells Satti that she will herself meet the boy that Jasmine has found for herself. Satti tells Tejo that she wants Jasmine to herself tell her about her decision of a second marriage. Jasmine smiles evilly seeing Fateh hurting himself. Fateh takes Jasmine aside angrily. He asks Jasmine how dare she come to his house. Fateh reminds Jasmine that he warned her to stay away from him and Tejo. Jasmine keeps on making Fateh angry with her words.

Fateh tells Jasmine that she has not left any option with him. He tells Jasmine that now he will have to expose her to Tejo. Jasmine asks Fateh to not worry as she won’t do anything to his Tejo. She says she already has accepted her mistake and came to be present in his and Tejo’s happiness. Fateh refuses to trust Jasmine. He tells Jasmine that now Tejo is absolutely fine and would be able to tolerate her sister’s evil reality. Fateh also tells Jasmine that if he won’t expose her to Tejo today, then once again she will snatch Tejo’s happiness. Jasmine feels angry and scared.

Simran comes to Fateh and Jasmine and asks if everything is fine. Fateh asks Simran, if she really thinks that everything will be fine at a place where Jasmine will be present. He tells Simran that they already are aware about Jasmine’s nature and misdeeds. Fateh also tells Simran that he doesn’t trust Jasmine even a bit. He further tells Simran that Jasmine is evil and will always be. Before Fateh could reveal Jasmine’s evil reality to Simran or anyone, Jasmine fakes dizziness. Tense Gurpreet takes Jasmine with herself. Jasmine again shows attitude and a defeat sign to Fateh. This angers Fateh.

Tense Simran asks Fateh to understand the present situation. She explains to Fateh that he will have to wait for some time before doing anything. Simran reminds Fateh that anyways Jasmine is getting married and going to Canada. She tells Fateh that everyone will soon get freedom from Jasmine. Simran requests Fateh to keep patience as happiness came to their families with much difficulty and after a long time. At the same time, Buzzo comes and aske Simran where Candy is. Simran recalls the evil mysterious man talking about Candy on call.

She gets worried and scolds Buzzo for not being able to take care of Candy. Fateh and Tejo try to calm a tense Simran. Both families start searching for Candy everywhere inside the house and on the lawn. Buzzo tries to calm a tense Simran. Simran again recalls that the evil mysterious man knows each and everything about Candy. Outside the house on the lawn, Fateh finds Candy eating chocolates by sitting near his car. Buzzo also reaches there. He picks up Candy and hugs him tightly. Candy tells Buzzo, Fateh and Tejo that an uncle gave him lots of chocolates. Buzzo angrily pushes the chocolates away.

Inside the house, Simran receives a call and accuses the person on the other side of the call for kidnapping Candy. She angrily asks the person on the other side of the call to tell her where her son is. This person turns out to be the same evil mysterious man. Evil mysterious man tells Simran that her candy is at home only and fine. He threatens Simran by telling her that the consequences won’t be good, if she will ever reveal about him to anyone. Tejo cleans the chocolate on Candy’s face. She explains to Candy that they should never take anything from strangers.

Fateh, Tejo and Buzzo bring Candy back home. Simran runs to Candy and hugs him. She scolds Candy for going outside. Simran is about to slap Candy, but family stops her. Everyone feels confused with Simran’s behavior. Khushbeer asks Simran why she is getting so tense. Before Simran could reveal to family about the evil mysterious man, she recalls his last call and threat and stops herself. Fateh and Tejo feel that something is troubling Simran, which she isn’t able to reveal about to anyone. Fateh changes the topic and takes Candy with him. Inside a room, Fateh plays with Candy. Tejo feels happy seeing this.

Even Tejo starts playing with Fateh and Candy. Candy stops and says that he got tired and is feeling hungry. Tejo goes to make a milkshake for Candy. Nimmo meets Tejo alone and indirectly taunts her for not giving Fateh his own child. She asks Tejo to soon give good news of her pregnancy to everyone. Tejo gets hurt and teary eyed. Satti overhears all this and feels bad for Tejo. Tejo goes to the kitchen and starts crying, recalling Nimmo’s taunts. She also recalls how she lost her first child in the fire incident. Satti goes to Tejo. She tells Tejo that Nimmo’s tone was wrong but not what she said.

Satti asks Tejo to forget whatever happened to her in the past, considering it as God’s wish. She tells Tejo that by God’s blessings she and Fateh are together again as husband and wife. Satti asks Tejo to start afresh and build her own family with Fateh. She tells Tejo that she and Fateh took much care of others, now it’s time that they think about themselves. Fateh overhears Satti asking Tejo to soon make her a maternal grandmother. He also hears Tejo telling Satti that she will think about building her own family but first wants to handle herself. Tejo and Satti hug each other.

Tejo recalls seeing Fateh happily playing with Candy. At night, Tejo feels a little awkward seeing her and Fateh’s room decorated for their first night. Fateh comes to his and Tejo’s room. Seeing Tejo’s awkwardness, Fateh apologizes to Tejo. He tells Tejo that an excited Mahi might have done all these decorations. Tejo tells Fateh that she didn’t feel bad. She praises the decorations. Tejo asks Fateh if he can understand that she will need some time for all this. Fateh tells Tejo that he is in no haste and doesn’t want to pressurize her into anything. He asks Tejo to take as much time as she wants to.

Tejo goes to change, while Fateh cleans the rose petals from the bed. Fateh also changes into his night suit. Seeing Tejo’s awkwardness, Fateh starts leaving from the bed. Tejo stops Fateh and tells him that she trusts him 100%. Fateh jokingly tells Tejo that he doesn’t trust himself at all. To relax a stressed Tejo, Fateh starts playing video games with her. They enjoy being together a lot. Fateh secretly smiles seeing Tejo happy. Tejo thanks Fateh for understanding him. Fateh does some sweet and romantic talk with Tejo. Both Fateh and Tejo find it difficult to sleep. Later, Fateh ties asleep Tejo’s dupatta on his wrist, like he used to do in last 9 months.






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