Bhagya Lakshmi 26th December 2022 Written Update Rishi appeals

Bhagya Lakshmi 26th December 2022 Written Update Rishi appeals

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 26th December 2022 Written Update Rishi appeals Rishi tells that he will bring Lakshmi back at any cost, whatever happens, he doesn’t care. Lakshmi tells her sisters that its her fate, her Bhagya Lakshmi. Neelam stops Rishi from going out. She tells that he isn’t listening to her calls. Rishi tells that he is going to bring Lakshmi home. Neelam hinders him. She tells that nobody will get Lakshmi back, Lakshmi will not return in the house. He clearly states the same thing to her to give weightage to his words. He tells that he can’t live without Lakshmi. He doesn’t listen to Neelam. He goes to meet Lakshmi. He requests her to come back home with her. Karishma fears that Rishi will call off the divorce and bring Lakshmi home. Keep reading.

Earlier in the show, He knows he has cheated Lakshmi and hurt her heart, but he is ready to bear any punishment she decides. He tells that he can’t live without her. She asks him why did he do such a thing that she leaves him and ends their ties. She tells that it would have been better if he killed her, than giving her such pain. He asks her not to say this. She tells that she can’t stay alive after seeing him cheat. She doesn’t know how to live her life. He tells that he has made the mistake.

She asks him how can he make such a mistake. He tells that he is really sorry, he doesn’t want to lose her, he will convince Neelam and everyone if Lakshmi says for once that she wants to stay with her. He promises to stop the divorce. He tells that he will not give her any chance to feel wronged. She reminds him the marriage vow, which he broke. Rishi gets saddened.

Bhagya Lakshmi 26th December 2022 Written Update Rishi appeals:

Rishi promises Lakshmi that he won’t let anything wrong happen with her. She reminds him of what he promised her during their marriage. He tells that he will not break this promise, he can’t stay without her. He asks her to forgive him. They both shed tears. She tells him that even she can’t live without her. They both share a warm hug. He tells that he won’t let her go away. Soon, his daydream ends and lands him in a big dilemma. He breaks into tears. He wonders if he was imagining her again. He relaxes his mind and consoles himself. He tells himself that he will bring Lakshmi in the house.

He wants to go to Lakshmi and convince her, knowing she is also missing him, she can’t live without him. On the other hand, Lakshmi’s sisters want her to go back to Rishi. Lakshmi refuses. Shalu asks her if she will sit thinking of Rishi. Lakshmi says she will miss him until she sees him again. Bani asks her not to have food. Lakshmi inquires as to what she is saying. Shalu feeds her the food. She claims that this is the first time she has been upset while feeding Lakshmi food. Lakshmi calls it her fate. Her sisters hug her. Neelam calls out Rishi and orders him to stop. Rishi doesn’t stop. Neelam questions him.

She questions him about why he doesn’t listen to her. He tells that he is going to bring Lakshmi back. She informs me that he divorced and that everything is now over. She asks him what happened that he changed his decision. He tells that he can’t live without Lakshmi. She asks him about the promise made to her. Virender asks Rishi is Neelam the reason for the divorce. Rishi asks him not to blame Neelam. Meanwhile, Sonal meets Kiran and apologizes to her. She admits her mistake. She tells that she can do anything for Malishka’s sake. She sweetly apologizes to Kiran. Kiran threatens of slapping her.

Malishka tells that Sonal has done this to support her. Kiran regrets for supporting Malishka for the wrong deeds. Sonal tells that she never says sorry to anyone, but she is apologizing today just for Malishka’s sake. Sonal tells Kiran her plan of bringing Malishka and Rishi closer. She wants Kiran to forgive her. Kiran forgives her. She requests that she refrain from doing so. Virender asks Rishi who is responsible for the divorce. Rishi tells that he is responsible. Neelam asks Virender not to question Rishi further, the divorce has happened, Lakshmi won’t come back home.

Rishi asks Neelam doesn’t she value her son. He admits that he has kept his promise and ousted Lakshmi, but now he will bring Lakshmi back, because he can’t live without her. Neelam grows worried. Kiran tells Sonal that her actions were wrong. Sonal tells that she has realized it. Kiran asks what did she do to get them divorced. Sonal tells that Neelam has asked Lakshmi to leave from the house because of the accident. Kiran tells that she didn’t know this would happen. Malishka tells that it doesn’t matter, they should stop overthinking. She doesn’t want Rishi to hate her after learning this truth.

She tells that they should think of her first. Neelam tells Karishma that they should not lose after ousting Lakshmi. She is afraid that Lakshmi might trap Rishi once again. Karishma tells that Rishi is really innocent. Neelam doesn’t know what to do. Rishi comes to meet Lakshmi. Shalu and Bani get happy to know that Rishi has come to get Lakshmi home. They call out Lakshmi. Lakshmi and Rishi get into a moment, where they go lost into each other’s eyes. Rishi asks Lakshmi to come. She refuses to go. He asks her to give any punishment but not refuse. Lakshmi refuses to go.

She tells that he will trouble her even more if he gets adamant. Rishi tells that he will take her at any cost. She threatens of losing Rano’s place also. He asks her not to go anywhere else. He agrees to leave. He apologizes to her. He leaves from there. Shalu questions Lakshmi about why she did not accompany Rishi. Lakshmi asks Shalu to stay out of the matter. Sonal tells Malishka that they will reveal about Rishi and Malishka’s intimate night to the family by planning a huge drama. She shares the plan. Furthermore, Ayush meets Shalu to discuss about Rishi and Lakshmi’s divorce.

Shalu tells that Rishi had come home to take Lakshmi. He asks did they go home. She tells that Lakshmi refused to go. He asks her why is Lakshmi doing this when she values relationships so much. She asks if Neelam is the reason. Sonal tells that they should make the revelation in such a way that the family gets Rishi and Malishka married. Malishka asks what will they do. Sonal tells that they will execute the plan at the right time. Malishka asks Sonal doesn’t she miss her husband.

Sonal tells that he doesn’t remember anything else than his business. Malishka inquires as to why she did not wait and find someone else. Sonal tells that she didn’t want to wait. Sonak asks Malishka to meet Balwinder. Malishka asks the reason. Ayush apologizes to Shalu because he couldn’t keep his promise, he failed in doing anything to stop the divorce. Malishka tells that Balwinder will dance on her tune.

Reviewed Rating for Bhagya Lakshmi 26th December 2022 Written Update Rishi appeals: 2/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section.






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