Imlie Atharv new start 9th March 2023 Written Update

Imlie Atharv new start 9th March 2023 Written Update

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Imlie Atharv new start 9th March 2023 Written Update Imlie asks Chini to leave the mandap. Chini is moved on seeing the divorce papers unsigned. She asks Imlie how can she cheat them. She tells that Atharv has confessed it to her, and he has supported Imlie in her memory loss plan, but he doesn’t trust Imlie now. Imlie claims that Chini doesn’t love Atharv. Chini asks why is she stopping the marriage. Imlie tells that she loves Atharv a lot. Atharv gets emotional after hearing her love confession. She suggests that she is telling the truth. She adds that she loves Atharv. Chini tells that even she loves him a lot.

Imlie tells that she can do anything for his happiness. Chini also claims the same. They both get into a heated argument. Imlie holds Atharv’s hand and provokes Chini to lose her mind. She tells that they have true love between them. Chini tells her that she has also lied for Atharv’s sake. Badimaa tries to stop Chini. Imlie asks Chini what did she do. She asks Chini to confess. Chini confesses her crimes. Rana gets happy. Badimaa sends the media outside. Chini tells them about her fake suicide attempt, and how she fooled them by jumping from the terrace over the mattresses.

She adds that she asked everyone to get Atharv and Imlie divorced. She also reveals how she had planned to kill Imlie. She counts her efforts in winning Atharv’s love. The family is stunned to know that Chini had tried to kill her sister. Rupali reprimands Chini. Imlie says that Chini is telling the truth. She asks them to see Chini’s evil face. She exposes Chini’s crimes. Chini realizes that she can’t get saved now. Atharv tells Imlie that he got her broken phone fixed and retrieved the data. He plays the video and tells the family that Chini is a big fraud. Imlie apologizes to the family for playing this memory loss drama, just to bring out Chini’s truth. Sundar asks Chini why she lives with such bitterness.

Chini tells that they didn’t give her an option. Badimaa defends Chini. She tells that Imlie is the reason that Chini got compelled to take this step. Sundar tells that Chini got the best upbringing, and yet proved them wrong. Rupali tells that Anu has made Chini just like Malini. Imlie tries to make Chini realize her mistake. She tells Chini that Rupali has given her life’s precious years to raise her. She asks Chini not to claim of loving Atharv, who lied to him to get close to his heart. Chini blames them for never thinking of her betterment. She insults Imlie about her bloodline. She wants revenge on Imlie.

Imlie asks Chini not to hate her mother. She tells that Chini won’t have anything left with her. She threatens of punishing Chini. She breaks her relationship with Chini. Chini madly throws a burning wood at Imlie. Imlie’s dress catches fire. Atharv saves Imlie from the fire. He gets his hand burnt. They both care for each other and prove their love. They have a moment. Imlie and the family get to see Chini’s evil dare. Atharv tells Chini that he will always protect Imlie. The entire family comes ahead to protect Atharv and Imlie’s relationship. They make a wall and ask Chini to cross them to reach Atharv and Imlie.

Atharv tells Chini that she has lost everything because of her deeds. Rupali takes Chini with her. Atharv and his parents applaud Imlie for fighting Chini. Imlie tells that she will leave Atharv’s life because their relationship is one-sided. Atharv wants to stop her in some way. He loves Imlie. Imlie consoles Sundar and Rupali. She tells them that they will make a new start. She adds that she will pack her bags and go home with them. They ask her to realize her love for Atharv. Atharv realizes that he should confess to Imlie if he has to stop her. He is hurt that she decided to leave. In the upcoming episode, Imlie and Atharv will get remarried. A new entry will be added to bring twists in their lives.






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