1 brave moment Anupama holds a smile for Samar

1 brave moment Anupama holds a smile for Samar

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

1 brave moment Anupama holds a smile for Samar. Anupama looks through Samar’s childhood belongings, which have been stored in a box for years. She gently touches the small dresses he wore as a child and then notices a board with her name on it. Seeing her name written by Samar himself brings a pang of pain to Anupama’s heart, and tears fall on the name. As she wipes away the tears, she hears Samar’s voice asking why she is erasing the “ma” part from her name. Anupama replies that she feels like she failed as a mother for not being able to protect him from danger and warning signs. But Samar reminds her that he has told her many times that she is the best mother he could ask for, though it seems Anupama keeps forgetting this fact.

Anupama admits that she was unable to prevent Samar’s death. Samar reassures her that it is not her responsibility to control the length of his life, as she is not a deity with such power. He believes that his fate has predetermined his lifespan and Anupama should not feel guilty or point fingers at Anuj for the tragic event. Upon mentioning Anuj’s name, Anupama becomes intrigued, prompting Samar to hold her hand and request that she make a promise. He asks her not only to lead herself but also their family out of grief.

Anupama expresses doubt about being able to accomplish such a difficult task, causing Samar to urge her to stop crying as it saddens him too much. He reminds her that death is a natural occurrence and that others must continue living despite the loss of one person. As Samar voices his belief that constant sadness from Anupama and others will only prevent him from finding happiness, Anupama composes herself and offers a smile in response. After writing her name on the slate once more, Samar vanishes.

The sudden shift catches everyone off guard, especially when they see Anupama cheerfully preparing snacks and tea for their group. Leela is puzzled by Anupama’s rapid recovery from pain and asks for an explanation. Anupama shares that she wishes to honor Samar’s memory with joyous moments rather than tears, as he has cautioned against dwelling in sorrow. She then reminds everyone how their constant mourning holds Samar back from moving on, expressing her desire for him to find happiness wherever he may be while carrying his values with him.






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