GHKKPM 21st November 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi in love

GHKKPM 21st November 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi in love

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

GHKKPM 21st November 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi in love. Isha teases Surekha, pointing out that she always reacts the same way when things don’t go as planned. Surekha fires back that Isha is also unchanged, constantly interfering in other people’s business. Reminding her of this, Isha reveals her plan to kick Surekha out of the house. In response, Surekha jabs at Isha for abandoning her family and child. Despite feeling anger rising within her, Isha manages to brush off the remark and excuses herself by saying she’s running late. However, as she tries to pass by, Surekha blocks her way and informs her that she cannot enter. Isha presents the invite, which bears Yashwant’s signature, and mentions her plans to enter.

Yet, Surekha swiftly grabs the card, rips it up, and declares that Isha holds no significance in the Bhosales’ world, just like these shredded scraps. Meanwhile, Ishaan supervises the teams creating graffiti and pauses at Savi’s wall to appreciate her talent. As Ishaan gazes at Savi, Durva grabs her camera and begins recording. But when Ishaan calls out to Savi, she startles and nearly falls. In a split second, he rushes towards her and catches her in his arms. Meanwhile, Durva captures the moment on camera and sends it to Surekha. Enraged by the sight of Ishaan embracing Savi, Surekha plots with Durva to keep them apart. Will their plan ultimately triumph or bring Ishaan and Savi closer? Keep reading for a full written update on GHKKPM 21st November 2023.

GHKKPM 21st November 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi in love:

Surekha persists in shaming Isha, reminding her that making her way into someone else’s tattered shoes is an old habit of hers, just as she had seduced Shantanu and wedged her way into their home. Isha counters that Surekha had resorted to underhanded tactics to kick her out of the house. Surekha retorts that she had been left with no other choice due to Isha neglecting her responsibilities. Isha argues back that she had simply gone to fulfill her duties as a daughter, and upon returning, found that Surekha had snatched away her family and son. To this, Surekha blames Isha’s misdeeds for driving a wedge between her and her son.

Surekha rips the invitation card, claiming ownership of the college with determination. She declares that she will not let anyone else in. Isha stands her ground and predicts a time when her son will break free from Surekha’s control and return to her. Without another word, she walks away. Meanwhile, Ishaan takes the opportunity to explain the rules of the game to competing teams and informs them that he will soon introduce them to the judges. Shantanu makes several attempts to reach Isha but is unsuccessful. He then asks Ishaan when Isha is expected to arrive, only to be told that she is not answering her phone.

Ishaan proceeds to introduce two of the judges to the students, explaining that they are still waiting for the third judge who will join them later on. Just then, Surekha enters and announces that Isha will not be able to come as the driver sent to pick her up has returned, stating that she is unwell. This comes as a surprise to Shantanu who recalls seeing her perfectly fine earlier in the day. Surekha once again begins her nefarious scheming. She approaches Ishaan and manipulates him, telling him that Isha is lying about being ill. In reality, Isha simply refused to come to the Bhosale Institute because of her animosity towards their family. However, Ishaan easily falls for Surekha’s words and agrees to help her.

As the students discuss their strategy for the upcoming competition, Ayush proposes that Durva find a way to distract Anvi so they can carry out their plan. Durva then asks Anvi to focus on practicing for the next competition while they take care of the graffiti contest. Ayush manages to get Sara out of the room by giving her a task, and he brings in a professional graffiti artist wearing a mask, pretending that she is Sara. Savi climbs up the ladder, while Ishaan takes the time to interact with students before making his way over to her. In a sudden moment, Savi slips and Ishaan quickly reaches out to hold her steady. Their embrace is short-lived as they both compose themselves. Durva decides to video call Surekha and share the moment with her. Feeling guilty for slipping, Savi apologizes to Ishaan who then encourages her to focus on her upcoming competition.

Only then does Savi notice that his jacket has been stained and she immediately takes responsibility for it, promising to pay for it once she starts working. Unfazed by this, Ishaan jokingly reminds her of how he had accidentally damaged his car windshield in the past, but Savi assures him that she has taken note of all the incidents and intends to repay him once she becomes an IAS officer like him. With determination, Ishaan motivates Savi to refocus on her competition. Meanwhile, Surekha watches their chemistry with resentment and decides to take action against Savi. Savi seeks authorization from a judge to retrieve something from the storage room. However, upon entering the room, she discovers Sara’s presence and inquires about her motives and attire, causing Sara to become anxious.





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