GHKKPM 9th December 2023 Written Update Savi's new enemy

GHKKPM 9th December 2023 Written Update Savi’s new enemy

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

GHKKPM 9th December 2023 Written Update Savi’s new enemy. Durva becomes enraged and attempts to slap Savi, but Savi intercepts her hand with a confident look in her eyes. In the midst of this, Ishaan arrives and asserts discipline in the classroom, reminding Reeva that she must conduct herself appropriately or leave the college. Reeva apologizes to Ishaan and assures him that she will not give him any further cause for concern, instructing everyone to take their seats. Once the class begins, Reeva expresses gratitude towards Savi for her assistance once again. Meanwhile, Ishaan seethes with anger towards Reeva, but Savi’s words about standing up for himself bring a brief smile to his face. Meanwhile, Shantanu is surprised by Reeva’s presence at the college and ponders who could have been responsible for her appointment.

Ishaan is in the staff room with two other assistant professors, enjoying lunch and good conversation. Just as they are getting comfortable, Reeva joins them. Ishaan’s initial anger towards Reeva quickly subsides as he remembers his determination to remain composed. Reeva breathes a sigh of relief when she sees that Ishaan is not avoiding her presence and proceeds to open her tiffin. She proudly offers everyone, including Ishaan, some homemade food. However, Ishaan politely declines the offer, revealing that he does not have a taste for sweets.

Disappointed, Reeva takes a seat while Ishaan revels in putting her in her place. Suddenly, Savi enters the room and informs Ishaan that she has brought the sweets for him while preparing them for her grandfather. She reminds him of their previous conversation about how eating sweets can reduce stress. Listening to their exchange, Reeva is surprised when Ishaan not only accepts the sweets but also enjoys them, telling Savi how delicious they are. As Nishikant predicts that Reeva will give up on Ishaan, will she prove him right? Keep reading for GHKKPM 9th December 2023 Written Update.

GHKKPM 9th December 2023 Written Update Savi’s new enemy:

Shantanu assures Ishaan that he understands his concerns about Reeva and promises to limit her presence in their interactions. In response, Ishaan questions Shantanu’s sincerity, citing the high score he gave to Reeva. Shantanu defends his decision, explaining that he believed Reeva deserved it at the time but has since realized his mistake. Ishaan remarks on Isha’s tendency to realize things late and declares his determination to attend the lunch meeting and show that Reeva holds no power over him. This leaves Shantanu concerned about how Ishaan will handle facing Reeva. Reeva reassures the other assistant professors who are nervous about meeting Ishaan, noting his strict demeanor during the interview.

She tells them not to worry, as Ishaan is a kind-hearted person. Addressing the assistant professors directly, Ishaan acknowledges attending all of their classes and emphasizes the need for improvement. He mentions a 3-month probation period, after which their job status will be determined. Reeva adds that she has no objections to this arrangement. She then offers Ishaan some Moong Dal Ka Halwa, but he politely declines, mentioning his dislike for sweets. Turning back to the assistant professors, he reminds them to maintain professionalism at all times.

Savi approaches Ishaan with concern for her grandfather’s health, seeking a leave of absence. Ishaan grants her request and is then offered Moong Dal Ka Halwa by Savi, who suggests it might improve his mood. After tasting the sweet, Ishaan agrees that it is good. Reeva witnesses this exchange and becomes upset. Ashwini takes Ninad to the washroom while attending a call from Savi. Upon hearing that Savi is coming to the hospital, Ashwini leaves to meet her. The nurse then summons Ashwini to see the doctor. The doctor informs Ashwini that Ninad is not eating well and needs a change in medication, handing her the prescription. Meanwhile, Ninad finishes using the washroom and assumes Sai and Virat are upstairs before heading there himself. Savi, Ashwini, and Harini meet at the hospital.

They wait outside the washroom for Ninad, but it’s been a while since he went inside. Savi asks someone to check on him, but they can’t find him. The three of them search for Ninad and eventually find him at the bottom of the stairs. Savi rushes to his side. Unfortunately, the doctor informs them that due to his fall, Ninad needs surgery within a week and he’s not eating enough to make it possible. Determined, Savi promises to make sure Ninad eats all the necessary food so that he can have a chance at the operation. Reeva approaches Ishaan, sharing that she has plenty of free time between lectures, and inquires if he knows of any extra lectures she could attend. Ishaan happily obliges. Bhavani and Ashwini attempt to assist Ninad with eating, but unfortunately, he does not recognize them.


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