GHKKPM 11th December 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi team up

GHKKPM 11th December 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi team up

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

GHKKPM 11th December 2023 Written Update Ishaan Savi team up. Reeva comes to Ishaan and suggests to Ishaan that there isn’t a counseling room here for students to relieve mental stress and guide them better. Ishaan agrees with Reeva’s idea and says they will discuss it next time. Reeva agrees. Ishaan observes Savi’s friends taking Harmonium at a traffic signal. Ishaan asks them what they are doing. The friends say that Savi asked for this Harmonium because Ninad’s condition is really serious. Savi dresses up as a police officer, reliving the childhood game of thief and cop.

Harini takes on the role of the thief, while Bhavani and Ashwini portray Virat and Sai. Vinu plays the part of a doctor. As the cop searches for the thief, a scuffle ensues resulting in injury. The doctor arrives to tend to the injured cop. Afterward, Savi questions Ninad about his memory. Switching gears, Savi suggests Harini play the harmonium but she declines due to her injured fingers. In search of someone to play with, Ishaan steps in and plays in hopes of triggering Ninad’s memory.

The doctor informs Savi that Ninad’s condition is not improving. Upon hearing this, Ashwin suggests to Savi that she should stop trying as she has already done her best. However, determined to help Ninad, Savi reassures Ashwin and states that she will persist in her efforts to make him eat, regardless of any obstacles. Bhavani then voices her belief that it is in God’s hands now. To this, Savi reminds Bhavani that even God must heed her wishes and declares that she will not eat until Ninad does. She expresses her unwavering dedication by stating that if God takes Ninad’s life, he must also take hers. In a gesture of support, Savi’s friends bring a Harmonium and suggest playing the song that Ninad used to sing.

However, when Harini explains she cannot play due to an injury on her finger, Savi asks if anyone else knows how to play. Ishaan steps up and plays the Harmonium while singing the song in hopes of triggering Ninad’s memories. Despite not knowing all the lyrics, Ishaan apologizes to Savi and Ninad picks up where he left off, completing the song. Savi is overjoyed as Ninad reminisces about his past. She expresses her gratitude for his remembrance. In return, Ninad assures her that he will never forget her before forgetting himself. Savi then offers him Moong Dal Ka Halwa, which he gladly eats while everyone applauds.

Curious as to why they are clapping, Ninad asks Savi and she explains how much effort they all put into helping him recall his memories. Ashwini also mentions how Savi vowed not to eat until he did and this inspires Ninad to make a promise to live for 100 years and witness Savi achieving her dream of becoming an IAS officer, even riding in her government car. Reeva arrives at the tattoo parlor and gets Ishaan’s name tattooed behind her neck. When asked by the doctor why he came there, Ishaan reveals that Savi is his student. Later on, the doctor visits the students to check on their patients. Savi expresses gratitude to Ishaan for his assistance, before questioning why he is present. Ishaan explains that he was en route to meet Prateek, but upon seeing Navya and Preeti with the Harmonium, he brought them along.

Later, Ishaan inquires about Ninad’s well-being and Savi updates him on the situation. He learns that Ninad requires surgery within a week or his condition will deteriorate. Savi remains optimistic and determined to not give up easily. Vinu interrupts and informs Savi that Ninad is asking for her. Savi excuses herself from the conversation. Moving forward, Reeva marks the end of her probation period on the calendar and decides to celebrate with an engagement with Ishaan. Ishaan assures Savi he will assist her in achieving her goals, while she promises to not disappoint him.






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