Pandya Store 12th April 2024 Written Update Chiku's exit

Pandya Store 12th April 2024 Written Update Chiku’s exit

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Pandya Store 12th April 2024 Written Update Chiku’s exit. Isha reveals to Chiku that Natasha manipulated her into giving away the property papers. She also mentions that Natasha’s marriage to Shashank was all part of her scheme. Chiku vividly remembers everything, including how Natasha persuaded him to return the papers to the Makwanas. He reflects on how Natasha betrayed him and cheated him for the benefit of the Makwanas. Dhawal hopes that there won’t be any more drama. Meanwhile, Natasha informs Suman that Chiku has yet to return. Suman assures her that she will handle Chiku and advises her to finish the puja and take her in-laws home. Natasha begins the puja by paying homage to her parents and ancestors. Amba reprimands Isha for being truthful with Chiku.

Isha explains that Chiku is the only one who truly cares for her, so she will not turn against him. In a shocking move, Chiku snatches the puja plate from Natasha’s hands and throws it away, hindering the puja midway He confronts her about her actions, causing everyone to be taken aback. Dhawal reminds Chiku to speak respectfully to Natasha, as she is not only his sister but also Makwana’s Bahu and Dhawal’s wife. Chiku admits that he was foolish to fight against everyone for Natasha’s honor, while all along she had broken his trust. He brings up how their parents sacrificed their lives for the sake of relationships. Natasha embraces Chiku, tears streaming down her face. She explains that his obsession with revenge clouded his judgment and caused him to neglect all else.

Despite her efforts to protect him, Chiku pushes her away. He asks how she could betray her brother, who would give his life for her without hesitation. Natasha reveals that she had no choice, as failing to stop him in time would have resulted in his imprisonment. She confesses that Isha was aware of everything and helped her steal the papers.

As for Isha, she was also a victim of Natasha’s manipulation and would have assisted in the theft regardless. Desperate to gain Makwana’s trust and marry Dhawal, Natasha insists she has limited options with Chiku heading down a dangerous path. Chiku declares that they aren’t siblings now and ends their ties. He shares that during their time apart, he took on the role of tying a Rakhi to himself on her behalf and prayed for her well-being.

Pandya Store 12th April 2024 Written Update Chiku's exit

However, his kind gesture was met with deception. He expresses his hope that nobody would have a sister like Natasha. Chiku announces that he is bidding farewell to the Pandyas forever. Despite this, Suman continues to support Natasha, stating that she has always made efforts to maintain good relations. Dolly adds that Natasha went above and beyond in helping them reclaim their property.

Pranali voices her confusion over why Natasha imposed conditions on them. Chiku points out how Suman’s accusations of him being a “fake Pandya” have been proven true, as he was adopted while Natasha is the true member of the family. As Natasha ponders on Chiku’s departure, and the terms she set, Dhawal will approach her and demand to know who is coercing her. She reluctantly reveals that Amba had instructed her to take such actions, leaving Dhawal astounded.

Pandya Store 12th April 2024 Written Update Chiku's exit


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