GHKKPM 3rd May 2024 Written Update Upsetting shock

GHKKPM 3rd May 2024 Written Update Upsetting shock

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

GHKKPM 3rd May 2024 Written Update Upsetting shock. The officer advises Ishaan that his defense of Savi may worsen the situation. He urges Ishaan to refrain from involvement in this matter going forward. Jacob suggests reviewing the CCTV footage to determine the truth. Upon viewing the footage, it is revealed that Savi had sold her notes to Jacob and his friends. However, Savi maintains that she only sold notes, not question papers. Contrarily, Jacob argues that they paid for the question papers. The officer concludes that this evidence is sufficient to prove Savi’s guilt.

He instructs Reeva to collect answer sheets from Jacob and his friends and have them confess to receiving the question paper falsely accusing Savi of providing it. The officer instructs Reeva and Ishaan to sign the report. Despite hesitation, Ishaan ultimately complies after the officer warns of potentially involving management. Once the door is closed, Shukla proclaims Savi’s innocence and urges Ishaan to stand up for her. However, Ishaan maintains that if Savi is truly innocent, she will be proven so and asks for the door to be opened. Yashwant intervenes and signals for Shukla to open the door.

GHKKPM 3rd May 2024 Written Update Upsetting shock

As Savi and other students are taken away by the officer, Yashwant asks Shukla to ring the bell and inform everyone about Savi’s situation. As Shukla rings the bell, she walks alongside Savi. Moments later, Ayush joins in, exclaiming “Shame on you, Savi!” The other students join in with Ayush’s sentiment. However, things escalate when Ayush takes matters into his own hands and throws ink on Savi’s face. The chaos catches the attention of an officer who promptly takes Savi and the other students to the police station. After getting signatures from Jacob and the rest of his friends, the officer informs the police inspector that Savi is responsible for leaking the exam papers.

GHKKPM 3rd May 2024 Written Update Upsetting shock

Savi denies these accusations and vows to prove her innocence by taking the exam. Unfortunately, the police inspector declares that she is banned from taking any exams for five years due to her involvement in the leak. With no other option, Savi signs the necessary documents and heads out of the police station. Outside, Ishaan approaches her. She asks him not to show any fake concern. He asks her to keep their issues aside. He asks her to tell him what happened. She tells him about the ban and cries. He is upset when he learns about her five-year ban from exams at any institution.


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