Kundali Bhagya 24th May 2024 Written Update Rajveer's plan

Kundali Bhagya 11th May 2024 Written Update Rajveer’s plan

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Kundali Bhagya 11th May 2024 Written Update Anshuman targeted. Palki meets with Shaurya and expresses concern about his relationship with Shanaya. She reminds him of Shanaya’s deep love for him and urges him to consider her feelings. However, Shaurya dismisses her advice, stating that he needs to improve his manners after their disagreement turns into an argument. He requests that Palki not visit again as he does not wish to speak with her. Palki warns him not to toy with Shanaya’s emotions before leaving. Meanwhile, Rajveer informs the Luthras that Anshuman has falsely accused Shaurya, prompting them to gather evidence in support of his innocence.

Despite the lawyer warning them that there is solid proof against Shaurya, Mahesh points out that Anshuman is a business rival who has previously attempted to sabotage their deals. Rakhi expresses confusion over Anshuman’s motives, but Mahesh believes it stems from their business success. Kritika reminds them that it is crucial to determine who is supporting Anshuman. Nidhi advises against a direct attack on Anshuman and suggests they strategize like him to defeat him. Bani Dadi supports Nidhi’s idea and suggests finding out Anshuman’s weakness. Rajveer expresses dissatisfaction with their suggestions, asserting that he will personally handle Anshuman.

Bani Dadi then instructs Preeta to make tea for her before she retreats inside. Palki and Shanaya arrive there. Kavya informs them she is expecting their arrival. Nidhi proceeds indoors, with Palki trailing closely behind her. Palki then confronts Nidhi, inquiring why she harbors dislike toward Shanaya. She believes there must be a justifiable motive for Nidhi’s animosity and expresses interest in uncovering it. In response, Nidhi speaks unfavorably about Shanaya and declares she has no time for petty disagreements. Palki reminds Nidhi that she had once similarly insulted her and insists on maintaining one’s dignity despite financial status. An angered Nidhi rebukes Palki, but the latter implores her to refrain from belittling Shanaya.

Nidhi asserts her right to react as she pleases towards others, but Palki emphasizes the importance of mutual respect in any relationship and reassures that admitting one’s mistakes does not diminish their worth as an individual. Rajveer suggests they should file a case against Anshuman. They must ensure that Anshuman comes to request them to withdraw the case, at which point they will counter with their complaint against him for filing a case against Shaurya. Bani Dadi asks what grounds they have for accusing Anshuman. Preeta explains that Rajveer was shot due to Anshuman’s involvement, and she also reveals that his goons attempted to kill both Rajveer and Karan while in the hospital. Therefore, they can charge Anshuman with attempted murder. Rakhi agrees, stating that Preeta is correct.


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