Bhagya Lakshmi 13th May 2024 Written Update Ayush's past

Bhagya Lakshmi 13th May 2024 Written Update Ayush’s past

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 13th May 2024 Written Update Ayush’s past. Lakshmi attempts to leave Rishi, but he pleads for her to have a conversation. A bystander notices their argument and remarks that wives often behave like this if their husbands do not give them attention. Lakshmi clarifies that she is not Rishi’s spouse. Rishi questions if this is true, prompting the woman to make further observations about the dynamics of marriage. As Lakshmi notices Parvati, she decides to leave the scene. Meanwhile, Parvati sees Ayush on the phone and becomes upset as he had previously been shopping with her but now seems to be ignoring her. She expresses her disappointment before Ayush steps away to take the call. Parvati and Rohan both arrive in front of Shalu, dressed in animal costumes.

Parvati excitedly asks for Shalu’s opinion on her appearance, to which Rohan adds that she should’ve dressed as a rabbit since she is shorter. In response, Parvati teasingly suggests that Rohan should have been a monkey to match his playful behavior. After requesting a bottle of water from Shalu, Rohan leaves while Shalu heads to a nearby tea stall. However, some rude individuals make inappropriate remarks towards Shalu. Unfazed, Shalu stands up for herself until one of the men attempts to touch her dupatta. At this point, Ayush intervenes and confronts the man for his behavior.

A physical altercation ensues between Ayush and the men until they try to take Shalu away, prompting Ayush to defend her even more aggressively. Lakshmi and Rishi enter the dressing room, avoiding eye contact. Rishi closes the door and Lakshmi questions his actions. He responds with a comment about her, but then stops himself and apologizes for hurting her. Overcome with emotion, Lakshmi leans into Rishi’s embrace but then pulls away, thinking of Malishka. Meanwhile, Shalu is consoled by Ayush as she cries, feeling defeated. Ayush questions how she could let this happen and reminds her that she is capable of standing up for herself without anyone’s help. At the same time, Anushka searches for Ayush and sees him arguing with Shalu from a distance.

She assumes he is defending her but Shalu clarifies that he was talking about their past while Ayush insists he was referring to their present situation. Shalu makes a remark about Ayush before leaving the room. Rishi apologizes to Lakshmi for scolding her, prompting her to ask if that was the only action he took. She then brings up Malishka, leading Rishi to inquire about her involvement in their situation. Meanwhile, Malishka overhears Rishi’s phone ringing in a nearby dressing room and alerts him of her presence. Parvati asks Malishka if she has seen Lakshmi, who evidently hasn’t left the shopping mall despite seeing Parvati there. Afraid of being discovered as Parvati’s mother, Lakshmi refuses to open the door when Parvati calls for her.

Elsewhere, Anushka expresses her gratitude towards Ayush for sticking up for her during an argument with Shalu. As she leaves the area, Parvati sets off in search of Lakshmi while Malishka also begins looking for Parvati. Back at the dressing room, Rishi gives Lakshmi the choice to either talk with him or not, but she firmly replies that she does not want to speak with him. Rishi declares that he will only accept words that truly come from her heart, which Lakshmi confirms by reaffirming they are indeed from her heart.


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