GHKKPM 14th May 2024 Written Update Ishvi cross paths

GHKKPM 14th May 2024 Written Update Ishvi cross paths

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

GHKKPM 14th May 2024 Written Update Ishvi cross paths. Ishaan and Savi unexpectedly cross paths. Witnessing Ishaan catching Savi before she falls, Harini assumes all is well between them. Excitedly, Savi embraces Harini and expresses that it still feels like a dream. To bring her back to reality, Harini playfully pinches Savi. Ishaan greets Harini and receives her gratitude for helping Savi. She tells him that she and Savi are both alive because of him and how seeing them together brings a sense of peace to her heart. In response, Ishaan humbly dismisses the need for thanks and departs from the scene where Reeva has been observing from a distance.

Curious about their relationship, Harini checks in with Savi on how things are between her and Ishaan as well as her marriage. The doctor informs Ishaan that Harini’s coma may have ended, but she remains frail. He advises her to remain calm, as it could be harmful to her recovery if she becomes distressed. Harini inquires of Savi whether his family has accepted her yet. Savi assures Harini that everything is fine and advises her not to worry, as she is experiencing a headache. She suggests that Harini rest for a while. However, Savi decides to tell Harini the truth once she is released from the hospital.

Reeva returns home to the Bhosle mansion, where Surekha asks about Ishaan’s whereabouts. Reeva explains that he is with Savi and shares the good news that Harini has regained consciousness. Surekha responds positively, relieved that Savi will no longer use Harini as an excuse to cause trouble for them. Swanand reminds Surekha of how Harini forced Ishaan and Savi into marriage last time and questions what she will do if she pressures him into staying with Savi by making him swear on her behalf. Swati also asks Surekha if there is any guarantee that Ishaan will not hurt Reeva again this time around.

Yashwant is firm in his decision not to allow Savi and Harini into the house, regardless of what Ishaan chooses. Chinmay adds that if it is meant to be, nothing can stand in the way of Ishaan and Savi being together. Meanwhile, Reeva waits for Ishaan while Shukla calls Savi to check on Harini’s condition. Savi updates Shukla and asks him to help find a rental with affordable rates for herself and Harini. Ishaan expresses concern about how Harini will react when she finds out they are not staying at his house, but Savi assures him she will be honest with her. He reveals he has spoken to the doctor who advised them to create a happy and stress-free environment for Harini.

As they speak, Yashwant interrupts with a call asking Ishaan to return for his and Reeva’s engagement today. Savi overhears and feels upset but Ishaan promises to come back straight away. He also asks her to keep the truth from Harini before leaving. Reeva and Savi both have Ishaan on their minds. As Shikha approaches Reeva, she notices that Reeva is breaking down emotionally. In desperation, Reeva questions whether she has the right to be happy when things like this keep happening to her. Shikha reassures her, saying that they are all victims of circumstances, and encourages Reeva to trust in God.

She reminds Reeva that everything happens for a reason and will ultimately benefit everyone involved. Meanwhile, Savi’s conscience chimes in, urging her to tell the truth. However, Savi remembers Ishaan’s warning and hesitates. Her inner voice persists, questioning how long she can keep hiding the truth from Harini. Savi admits she doesn’t know and makes a snarky comment about it before noticing Harini waking up and stopping talking to herself. As Reeva’s parents prepare to take her away, Ishaan returns home. They confront him about leaving Reeva again, causing Ishaan to think about Savi and Harini once more.






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