YRKKH Upcoming Abhira rejects Armaan's love 23rd June 2024

YRKKH Upcoming Abhira rejects Armaan’s love 23rd June 2024

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

YRKKH Upcoming Abhira rejects Armaan’s love 23rd June 2024. Abhira and Armaan sleep in each other’s arms. When Madhav returns home, he finds them waking up. Concerned, he asks what happened to Armaan and if he got caught up in the riots. Armaan replies that Madhav would probably regret him being alive, but Madhav insists on taking him to the doctor and getting a shirt for him. However, Armaan declines saying it’s unnecessary, and asks Abhira to help him put on his coat instead. Madhav emphasizes the importance of Armaan’s health, but Armaan insists on leaving.

As he leaves, he remembers Abhira’s words and tells her that he will continue to wait for her and express his love through his lanterns every day until she reciprocates his feelings. He encourages her to take her time in making a decision and assures her that he is not in a rush. With those final words, he departs from her home. Dadi insists that it was their own choice to remain distant. Vidya reminds her of the explanation. Dadi comments on their stubbornness. Vidya wonders if she should hold out for her son and husband’s return.

Dadi expresses disappointment, believing Vidya was not capable of handling them as a mother and wife, citing her immediate acceptance of Ruhi and Armaan’s love when she found out about it. The memory of Ruhi’s words resurfaces in Dadi’s mind. She reveals that she was aware of the situation being hidden from her, acknowledging Armaan’s sacrifice, but also mentioning Rohit’s suffering with this betrayal and the consequences he faced as well. Vidya feels Armaan is content with Abhira. Dadi inquires if they will accept Abhira. Later, at a café, Armaan meets his Krish and gang. He requests that they keep his injury a secret. Charu expresses their concern and mentions that they miss him, but he wouldn’t come without Abhira. Krish suggests referring to her as “Bhabhi” now. Kiara reminds them to think of Armaan’s happiness.

YRKKH Upcoming Abhira rejects Armaan's love 23rd June 2024

In response, Abhira shares her trust in their love and assures that she will come to him as long as she is alive. Krish playfully adds #truelove to the conversation. Before leaving, Armaan receives a lantern from Krish and receives well wishes for good luck from everyone present, after which they all embrace him tightly. Armaan beams with a smile at the heartfelt display of affection before taking his leave. Armaan assures Abhira that their love will keep any darkness from entering their lives. Curious, she questions who he loved before they got married and wonders why he never mentioned her name, Ruhi.

He explains that it was not true love. Feeling betrayed by his past dishonesty, Abhira reprimands him. In the heat of the moment, he trips and calls out for Abhira. Is Dadi behind Abhira’s brainwashing to end their relationship? Will the truth of Abhira and Armaan’s pending divorce be revealed? Will Madhav bring them home and expose Sanjay’s evil plan? Keep reading.


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