GHKKPM 23rd June 2024 Written Update Rajat's past

GHKKPM 23rd June 2024 Written Update Rajat’s past

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

GHKKPM 23rd June 2024 Written Update Rajat’s past. Savi receives a call from the adoption center, informing her that her form has been approved. She realizes that she will have to convince Isha to adopt a child. Rajat’s assistant notifies him that they have included their father in their upcoming ad campaign. Rajat finds this interesting, predicting that once the campaign is released, everyone will focus on their father and forget about their mother. At the same time, Bhagyashree contacts Rajat and reveals that they have come to a school for Saisha/Sai’s admission. Despite being busy, Rajat is unable to attend but Bhagyashree asks him to at least wish Sai good luck and passes the phone to her. After speaking with Sai briefly, Rajat ends the call. Savi approaches Sai and asks why she is there. The peon informs them both that Sai is a new admission, to which Savi responds positively.

Sai sadly informs Savi that her dad’s call got disconnected, so she calls him back. Rajat sees the call and thinks it is Bhagyashree, asking her not to transfer the call to Sai repeatedly as he is busy and doesn’t want to talk at the moment. Sai asks if the call has been reconnected, to which Savi lies about a network issue. On the other hand, Harini visits Isha and Shantanu with her son Vansh and invites them to a function. They happily agree to attend. Isha expresses her happiness about Vivek being in her life, who understands her well. Similarly, Harini shares how Vivek has brought joy into her life and changed her perspective towards it.

Savi later returns home with a puppy, which makes Vansh ecstatic. She tells him that he can play with the puppy whenever he visits her house. Despite Isha’s initial hesitance about keeping a puppy at home, Savi requests her by saying that someone will find a loyal friend in its presence here. Eventually, Isha agrees and mentions that both Savi and Shantanu will have to take care. Later, Savi sees Sai standing alone and inquires about her parents. She then gestures towards Rajat, who is preoccupied on the phone. Savi approaches Rajat and reminds him to take care of his daughter, who has sustained an injury. However, Rajat dismisses it as a minor issue and tells Savi not to lecture him. Undeterred, Savi reiterates her reminder. In response, Rajat reminds her that if she is unable to have a child of her own, she has no right to claim ownership over someone else’s child. This statement upsets Savi. Keep reading for GHKKPM 23rd June 2024 Written Update Rajat’s past.

GHKKPM 23rd June 2024 Written Update Rajat’s past:

Upon meeting Bhagyasree, Saisha, and Raju as they arrive at the school for Saisha’s admission, the principal inquires about Saisha’s hobbies. Bhagyasree responds on behalf of Saisha and asks if she will be admitted. The principal agrees, noting that they typically do not admit students without first meeting their parents. However, an exception was made this time due to Rajat Kakkar’s excellent care for the school. The principal also mentions her desire to see Rajat at future parent-teacher meetings. Bhagyasree acknowledges this and agrees with the principal’s sentiments. In another scene, Harini visits Bhosale’s house and invites Isha and Shantanu to Vansh’s Upanayana.

Isha expresses her happiness for Harini and the fact that she found a great partner like Milind in her life. Harini concurs with Isha’s observation and comments on it as well. Savi is immediately approached by Vansh, who inquires if the dog is for him. Savi denies this and turns to Isha, stating that the dog will be staying with them. Although initially hesitant, Isha eventually agrees after much persuasion from Savi. Saisha then mentions to Bhagyasree her desire to speak with her father if he happens to come to the school. She also questions why his phone is always busy.

To which Bhagyasree explains. Raju chimes in on the conversation. Saisha visits Savi’s home to meet her dog. While there, she names him “Chocolate” and shares some tea. Before leaving, Saisha mentions that she’ll show her new dress to her father. Savi decides to learn more about Rajat to avoid talking to his daughter. He remembers that Bhagyasree had shared his profile with Shefali, so he used her tab to view it. Isha enters and notices Savi checking someone’s profile, which makes her happy. At Bhagyasree’s house, she is seen spending time with friends, including Shefali. Bhagyasree introduces Shefali as the top matchmaker in the city, but one of her friends remarks that Shefali is yet to find a match for Savi. Shefali explains that Savi is a special case.

Bhagyasree becomes curious and asks about Savi, only to find out from Shefali that Isha is Savi’s mother-in-law and not her mother. This news surprises Bhagyasree and clarifies the situation for her. Shantanu is surprised when he spots Isha taking the dog out for a walk. After having a conversation with her, they both head home. However, the dog ends up running into Bhagyasree’s house, causing her to become frightened.

Upon seeing this, Isha quickly apologises and explains that the puppy belongs to her. Bhagyasree questions if this was Isha’s way of purposely troubling her, and makes a snide remark about it. A heated argument breaks out between Isha and Bhagyasree, catching Savi’s attention in her room. Concerned, Savi goes over to Bhagyasree’s house in an attempt to diffuse the situation. Bhagyasree suggests that Savi wouldn’t want to get married if she had a mother-in-law like Isha. This causes Isha to defend her daughter and ask Bhagyasree not to speak poorly of Savi. However, Bhagyasree continues to make negative remarks about both Isha and Savi. Eventually, Shantanu and Savi intervene and take Isha away from the argumentative situation.


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