GHKKPM 1st July 2024 Written Update Rajat's remark

GHKKPM 1st July 2024 Written Update Rajat’s remark

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GHKKPM 1st July 2024 Written Update Rajat’s remark. Isha refers to Rajat as her son-in-law, which leads Rajat to make a snide remark about her. Savi, taken aback by his rudeness, asks Rajat how he can speak so harshly to Isha. Rajat explains that Isha had come to his office to investigate his earnings, implying she was prying into his personal affairs. He continues to criticize her actions, suggesting that her behavior was intrusive and inappropriate. Savi is visibly upset by Rajat’s dismissive attitude towards Isha, highlighting the tension between them. Keep reading for GHKKPM 1st July 2024 Written Update.

Story in the ongoing track:

Savi meets Rajat expressing concern that Saisha feels lonely and suggesting Rajat spend more time with her. Rajat dismisses Savi’s worries and reminds her that she is merely Saisha’s teacher, not her mother. When Savi inquires about Saisha’s mother, Rajat becomes angry and tells her to stop acting like a mother to Saisha. Savi insists she is just concerned, and despite Rajat’s irritation, the conversation continues awkwardly. Rajat pays for the bill and offers Savi a golden bracelet to replace the one Saisha broke, which Savi reluctantly accepts after initially refusing.

Isha, observing this exchange, believes Savi and Rajat’s relationship is serious and decides to investigate Rajat further. She follows him to his office, posing as a reporter to gather information. The receptionist praises Rajat as a strict but fair boss. Overhearing Isha’s conversation, an attendee reveals Isha’s true identity to the receptionist and suggests she speak with Aman. Isha’s cover is blown when the attendee informs Rajat and Aman that Rajat’s prospective mother-in-law is investigating him. Before Rajat and Aman can confront her, Isha leaves.

GHKKPM 1st July 2024 Written Update Rajat's remark

Meanwhile, Savi plans to teach Rajat a lesson. She meets Mrinmai, who has a similar bracelet to the one Rajat gave Savi. Mrinmai reveals that Aman gave her the bracelet and that she loves him. Savi receives a call from an adoption agency confirming her application’s acceptance and their intention to verify her background. Savi reassures Mrinmai that she will meet Aman before deciding whether to support their relationship.

Adoption center representatives visit Bhagyashree’s house to inquire about Savi. Bhagyashree criticizes Isha, but Rajat intervenes, praising Savi and correcting Bhagyashree’s negative comments. Confused by Rajat’s defense of Savi, Bhagyashree questions his motives. Shantanu and Isha meet the adoption agency representatives, who express a desire to speak with Savi before proceeding. Isha worries that if Savi adopts a child, it will diminish the chances of someone entering her life, and plans to discuss this with Savi.

GHKKPM 1st July 2024 Written Update Rajat’s remark:

Bhagyashree speaks to the adoption centre staff, expressing her concern that Savi’s family may not be suitable for the adoption. She mentions how Isha has caused trouble for them in the past. As a result, the centre decides to reject Savi’s application. However, Rajat intervenes and explains that Bhagyashree simply doesn’t get along with Isha and that Savi is actually a wonderful teacher who is liked by all her students. With this clarification, Rajat departs from the situation. Later, Bhagyashree questions Rajat about his sudden change of heart towards Savi and makes a comment about it. In response, Rajat explains that he had a long day at work and needs some rest before leaving. The people at the adoption centre meet Shantanu and Isha, asking if they are aware of Savi’s adoption.

Shantanu confirms that they do know and suggests they speak to Savi before making any decisions. The centre agrees and departs. Isha advises Shantanu to decline the offer, expressing her concern that adopting a child would hinder Savi’s chances of getting married. She remains hopeful that someone will enter Savi’s life. Lucky inquires why Raju and Bhagyashree are accompanying him to Pune for the results, when they could simply check them online. Bhagyashree responds that they want to leave Rajat alone with Saisha so he can take responsibility for her. Lucky agrees to go with them. She then reminds Rajat that as Saisha’s father, it is his duty to care for her. They depart from there, with Raju and Lucky joining them on their trip to Pune to check on Lucky’s results. Isha informs Savi that the people from the adoption center have arrived.

Savi mentions she was planning to discuss this with them. Isha expresses her disapproval and makes a remark about Savi. She reiterates that she will not consider adoption and urges Savi to cancel it. However, Savi stands firm in her stance and assures Isha that she will still have a family by adopting a child, keeping her promise to Ishaan. She also addresses Isha’s concerns about getting married and explains her reasons for choosing adoption instead. Despite Isha’s criticism, Savi confirms that she has made up her mind to adopt a child and will not change her decision. As Savi enters her room, she is reminded of Isha’s words. Mrinmai attempts to console her, but despite her efforts, Savi remains agitated.

Soon, Savi receives a call from Supriya at the adoption centre, who shares positive feedback from their meeting with her neighbour Rajat Thakkar. Delighted by the news, Savi decides to express her gratitude to Rajat for his support. While feeding Saisha, Rajat receives a call from Aman inquiring why he isn’t at the meeting. Rajat explains that he can’t leave Saisha alone and asks Aman to attend and provide an update later. Agreeing, Aman heads to the meeting. Meanwhile, Rajat and Saisha attempt to swat mosquitoes by hand. As Savi emerges from her house, she sees them fighting off the insects in this manner. Savi discreetly hints to Rajat to use a mosquito bat, leaving it at her doorstep for him.

Later, she subtly suggests that he apply mosquito repellent on Saisha. Following her suggestions, Rajat takes care of the mosquitoes and puts Saisha to bed. He then returns the bat to Savi and overhears Isha discussing their relationship with Latha. Eventually, he heads back home. In a fit of anger, Rajat shatters the mosquito bag, convinced that Savi and Isha are attempting to manipulate him by using his daughter Saisha as leverage. He silently criticizes Savi in his mind. The following day, as Savi steps out of her home, she notices Rani discarding the pieces of mosquito bat that she had given to Rajat, in the trash. Upon seeing Rajat emerge from his house, Savi greets him with a polite “good morning”. However, he is reminded of Isha’s words and walks away without acknowledging her. Savi remains certain that Rajat will never change and condemns him to herself.


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