Bhagya Lakshmi 5th July 2024 Written Update Paro in danger

Bhagya Lakshmi 5th July 2024 Written Update Paro in danger

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Bhagya Lakshmi 5th July 2024 Written Update Paro in danger. Lakshmi confronts Malishka about her presence, and Malishka reminds her that she belongs in the house and should be asking questions. Lakshmi retorts, revealing that Rishi is calling for her, prompting Malishka to leave. Lakshmi then sends Parvati outside to play, intending to talk to Neelam privately. Karishma and Aanchal persuade Avinash to stay, fearing he might reveal the truth to Lakshmi. Avinash assures them he knows what to say and leaves. Aanchal asks Karishma about her marriage to Avinash, and Karishma explains she was young and in love.

Lakshmi attempts to speak with Neelam, who is busy with guests, so she decides to ask Rishi instead. Rishi, noticing Lakshmi approaching, asks Malishka to dance and then excuses himself. Parvati and Rohan discuss playing a game where Parvati must catch Rohan within five minutes or do his homework. Parvati agrees and starts chasing Rohan.

Rishi pulls Avinash aside, contemplating telling Lakshmi that they know Parvati is his daughter. Aanchal interrupts, announcing Neelam’s impending announcement. Neelam begins her announcement, but Lakshmi stops her, demanding to know what is happening. Neelam admits she can no longer keep up the pretense. During their game, Parvati sees Rohan near a pit and warns him. Rohan falls in, but Parvati rescues him. She then goes back to retrieve his cap and falls in herself. Rohan calls for help, but she doesn’t respond.

Neelam gifts jewelry to Lakshmi, wanting her to be happy. Lakshmi becomes suspicious of Neelam’s kindness and looks for Parvati. Neelam assures Lakshmi that Parvati won’t be taken away, revealing that Parvati is her granddaughter. The Oberoi family later questions Lakshmi about hiding that Parvati is Rishi’s daughter. Meanwhile, Rohan asks Krish to inform everyone that Parvati has fallen into a pit. Keep reading for Bhagya Lakshmi 5th July 2024 Written Update.

Bhagya Lakshmi 5th July 2024 Written Update Paro in danger:

Karishma questions Lakshmi for concealing Parvati’s truth. Dadi advises the family to focus on the positive and mend strained relationships instead. Malishka then asks Dadi why she always forgets her, and Ayush tells Malishka not to interfere in adult conversations. Malishka expresses her lack of faith in Ayush’s support and urges him not to be involved when discussing her matters. Karishma stands by Malishka’s side, while Lakshmi supports Malishka’s words and invites her to stay with the family. Neelam asks Lakshmi why she kept Parvati’s truth hidden from them, to which Lakshmi explains that she didn’t want Rishi, whom she deems an unfit father, to know.

Rishi interrupts and denies being responsible for hiding Lakshmi’s mistake. He reminds her not to say something she may regret later, but Lakshmi insists on speaking up for her daughter’s happiness despite his objections. Lakshmi inquires Neelam about the reason behind her change in feelings towards Parvati. Neelam responds with the revelation that Parvati is their rightful heir, which ultimately brings about this shift in emotion. Despite Rano’s disagreement, Neelam firmly states that Paro will remain in their care. Rano urges Lakshmi to reflect on how the Oberois have suddenly changed their attitude towards them. Aanchal interjects, reminding Rano not to assume the role of Lakshmi’s mother.

This earns Aanchal a scolding from Rano, who is then joined by Karishma in a heated argument. Lakshmi defends herself, expressing her displeasure at witnessing her family being belittled. She assures Neelam that she will go to any lengths for her daughter and declares that Paro will stay with them. Calling out for Paro herself, she learns from Aryan that the young girl has fallen into a borewell. He quickly alerts the magician and rushes back to update Rishi on Paro’s condition. Rohan attempts to communicate with Paro but receives no response. In desperation, he tries to jump into the borewell before being stopped by the magicians. Aryan delivers the news to the Oberoi family that Paro has fallen a Borewell.

In a panic, everyone rushes outside. Rohan recounts how Paro fell while trying to save him and implores Rishi to rescue his sister. Rishi promises to do everything in his power to save Paro. Lakshmi requests a rope, but Karishma informs her that it is stored in the storeroom. Neelam quickly asks someone to call disaster management for assistance. As they wait for help, media personnel arrive on the scene and bombard the Oberoi family with questions.

Dadi appeals to them to stop causing further disturbance at such a difficult time. Filled with guilt, Rohan blames himself for Parvati’s condition, but Malishka urges him to stop blaming himself and instead points fingers at Lakshmi for the accident. Despite her best efforts, Lakshmi struggles to retrieve Paro as she lowers a rope into the borewell without any response from her sister-in-law. Feeling anxious, Neelam also places blame on Lakshmi for Paro’s predicament and is reprimanded by Rano who warns her against making baseless accusations.






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