YRKKH Upcoming Ruhi expresses love to Armaan yet again

YRKKH Upcoming Ruhi expresses love to Armaan yet again

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

YRKKH Upcoming Ruhi expresses love to Armaan yet again. Manish reprimands Ruhi for choosing Armaan as her lawyer. Swarna voices her agreement with Manish, adding that they shouldn’t seek Armaan’s assistance. Surekha expresses concern that Ruhi may develop feelings for him. Ruhi has promised Surekha before that she will never fall for Armaan, but she doesn’t seem to stick to her words. As Armaan and Abhira appear, Jaya embraces Abhira tearfully and urges her to take on the case. Abhira agrees and accompanies Jaya, while Armaan approaches Ruhi. Worriedly, she asks if Abhira will take out her anger on her during the case. However, Armaan assures her otherwise and proceeds to take Ruhi’s statement. Seeing how caring he is towards Ruhi, Abhira becomes angry.

She declares that they will win the case and she doesn’t want any fees, only their blessings. Jaya praises Abhira and Armaan offers to compensate for his loss by fulfilling any other demands they may have. However, all Abhira wants is justice. Ruhi informs Armaan that Abhira will express her anger on the pretext of fighting the case for someone else. Armaan reassures Abhira that they are willing to cover the damages and seek justice. In response, Abhira warns against repeating any illegal actions and emphasizes the need to apologize and compensate for any harm caused. As preparations for the court hearing take place, Armaan updates Vidya about Ruhi’s situation through a video call.

Upon his return home, he discusses the case with Vidya, who advises him to remain patient with Abhira. She adds that Abhira is very upset with him and he needs to understand her. Manisha concurs and adds that Ruhi has always been a point of contention between them. Despite their efforts, Abhira struggles to comprehend the separation of personal and professional lives in Armaan’s view. Her frustration is evident as she finds herself locked out of the Poddar house due to house rules set in place by Kaveri. Armaan is on a guilt trip. He cares for Ruhi. Armaan inquires about Ruhi’s well-being. She expresses that she is struggling to move on, but she isn’t able to forget him. Ruhi still has hope of Armaan returning to her. Armaan finds it difficult to end her hopes. Vidya advises Abhira to let go of the past and move forward, as she must protect Armaan and her love from others. What will Abhira do to keep Ruhi away? Stay tuned.

YRKKH Upcoming Ruhi expresses love to Armaan yet again


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