Rabb Se Hai Dua 11th July 2024 Written Update News for Ibadat

Rabb Se Hai Dua 11th July 2024 Written Update News for Ibadat

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Rabb Se Hai Dua 11th July 2024 Written Update News for Ibadat. Ibadat inquires of Mannat whose baby is on the way. Mannat reveals that after Ibadat and Subhan’s first night, a baby is to be expected from them. Curious, Ibadat asks who informed her of this news. Mannat explains that Subhan shared a video in the family group which everyone saw. Shocked by this revelation, Ibadat expresses her disbelief. However, Mannat assures her that although she was initially envious, seeing her sister happy is enough for her. As Ibadat excuses herself, Kaynaat and Gulnaaz declare their plan as a failure since they did not receive any information from her. Nonetheless, Mannat suggests that perhaps Ibadat did not leave as planned due to shyness.

She then becomes angry when Ibadat informs him of what she has discovered. While checking the camera, Mannat is taken aback by Dua’s unexpected arrival. Unaware of it at the time, she directs the jeep into the room. Ibadat reprimands Subhan for not taking things seriously and accuses him of sending their private video to family members to provoke jealousy in Mannat. She expresses her disappointment in him for taking advantage of her and asks why he would do such a thing. She is aware that Subhan does not love her; in fact, he despises her and refuses to share his life with her.

However, she appeals to his sense of respect for her feelings, dignity, and reputation within the family. Questioning his motives once again, she demands an explanation for his actions. In response, Subhan blames her for causing all this chaos. Subhan claims that both Ibadat and Mannat have destroyed his life. She deceived him and mocked his existence. He confesses to capturing and sharing a video of her in the family group, to make Mannat envious. Meanwhile, Mannat is observing everything on her phone.

Ibadat argues that he has disregarded her feelings, to which Subhan retorts that she has also disregarded him by deceiving him about Mannat’s relationship with Farhaan. If she had been honest, he would not have proposed to her and instead kept his distance. Yet, she chose to hide the truth, witnessing her sister’s heartbreak but ignoring his pain. Frustrated, he threatens to repeat his actions and warns that Mannat’s suspicions may be valid. He admits that he does not enjoy spending time with Ibadat and married her only for societal expectations; his heart still belongs to Mannat.

He fears that she will snatch him away, just as Gazal took Haider from Dua. Ibadat is devastated and pleads for forgiveness, explaining that she only wanted to bring Subhan and Mannat together again. She did not betray him. Upon his return, Subhan addresses Ibadat, urging her to rise from her seat. He offers words of comfort and expresses remorse for his wrongdoing before proposing love. In response, Ibadat embraces him tightly but soon realizes it is merely a figment of her imagination. With anger in his heart, Subhan departs from the scene.


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