Kavya 12th July 2024 Adi's huge mistake breaks Kavya's trust

Kavya 12th July 2024 Adi’s huge mistake breaks Kavya’s trust

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Kavya 12th July 2024 Adi’s huge mistake breaks Kavya’s trust. Adi accuses Kavya of never giving him a chance and always belittling him. He expresses his frustration that she never confides in him and only cares about her duty, not considering his feelings or the support he wants to provide. Kavya defends herself, emphasizing her dedication to her duty and refusing to feel guilty about prioritizing it. Their argument escalates, with Kavya pointing out that people died because of Adi’s wrong decision, which deeply hurts him. As Adi leaves upset, Kavya tries to reach out to him, but he ignores her. Meanwhile, Shubh calls Kavya urgently regarding the Babua state scam. Initially reluctant, Kavya agrees to meet him upon Shubh’s insistence.

Adi, struggling with his emotions, recalls Anubha’s manipulative words about Shubh and Kavya. He decides to go meet Anubha, pretending casually that he came for coffee. At the same time, Saxena contacts Shubh to inquire if he informed Kavya about certain information, expressing concern for her well-being. Shubh confirms Saxena’s involvement in providing the information. Kavya arrives, and Shubh shares the crucial news with her, relating to Seema’s involvement in a case. Anubha manipulates Adi, questioning his loyalty and love for Kavya, drawing parallels to Shubh and Kavya’s past relationship. She hints that Kavya might not deserve Adi’s love, planting seeds of doubt in his mind.

Meanwhile, Kavya discusses the importance of the new information with Shubh and leaves determined to investigate further, leaving Shubh smiling. Anubha continues to provoke Adi, prompting him to reflect on when and why he fell in love with Kavya. Adi fondly recalls various incidents that endeared Kavya to him, despite their initial misunderstandings, praising her resilience and kind-hearted nature. Anubha, feeling jealous of Kavya’s relationship with Adi, expresses regret over losing her love and vows not to forgive Kavya. Adi and Anubha share a moment of emotional closeness.

After their romantic intimacy, Adi returns home and confesses his mistake in front of Kavya. Kavya is shaken down by Adi’s deception and reminds him that she didn’t believe anything against him when he was caught in a molestation case. This leads to a big confrontation where she scolds Adi, who is left crying in remorse. Will Kavya forgive Adi? Did Anubha intentionally do this to hurt Kavya’s sentiments? Stay tuned to know more.


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