Maati Se Bandhi Dor 12th July 2024 Written Update Heroic Vaiju

Maati Se Bandhi Dor 12th July 2024 Written Update Heroic Vaiju

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Maati Se Bandhi Dor 12th July 2024 Written Update Heroic Vaiju. Vaiju finds herself surrounded by goons who threaten her. Just in time, Ranvijay arrives and learns that Vaiju has already defeated the goons. She says that she bravely fought off the attackers herself in anger. The police arrive, and Ranvijay explains the situation, stating that the goons kidnapped Vaiju and threatened him. The goons try to lie to the police, but Vaiju corroborates Ranvijay’s story, leading to the goons’ arrest. The inspector arrests Ranvijay and Vaiju as well. Back at home, Sulekha is upset that Vaiju’s incident disrupted the engagement plans. However, Jaya expresses relief that Ranvijay and Vaiju are safe. The pundit suggests that engagements held during such unexpected times are often blessed with lasting bonds.

Ranvijay and Vaiju are handcuffed and taken away in a police van, with Ranvijay noticing Vaiju’s injured hand and offering her a handkerchief. Meanwhile, Rao Sahab and Vasundara arrive, shocked to learn about Ranvijay and Vaiju’s arrest. Jaya arrives and clarifies the misunderstanding, leading to Ranvijay and Vaiju’s release. Vasundara decides to take them home. At home, Vaiju apologizes for the engagement delay caused by the incident. She explains that the goons mistook her for a bride and kidnapped her for ransom.

Back at the engagement venue, guests have left due to the delay. Rao Sahab worries about finding another auspicious date for the engagement, as the pundit mentions no suitable dates for months. Vaiju cleverly convinces them to proceed with the engagement, using emotional manipulation and trickery. She emphasizes the importance of Ranvijay and Jaya’s love and the blessings of their family. Eventually, everyone agrees to continue with the engagement ceremony.

As Ranvijay and Jaya sit down for the engagement, Vaiju watches, feeling conflicted. She sees her inner self criticizing her for manipulating the situation and feels torn with guilt. However, she manages to hold herself together as Ranvijay accidentally drops the engagement ring, and it rolls towards her. Vaiju picks up the ring, symbolizing her acceptance of the situation despite her inner turmoil.






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