Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh's anger burst

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh’s anger burst

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh’s anger burst. The office staff informs Jhanak that the bosses are ready to meet her. Jhanak rushes to meet them with high hopes of getting a job. She meets them and introduces herself. They tell her that she won’t get a job if she has no degree. Jhanak tries to convince them that she will soon get her results and degree. The boss tells her that they can’t give her a job right now, but she might try later for future vacancies. Jhanak pleads with them for any available job. The man tells her that they can’t give her any job without any experience.

The lady tells her that Guruji will train the dance participants, and Jhanak can become Guruji’s assistant if she wants. Jhanak agrees to take up the job, because of the need of the hour. Bipasha consoles Shrishti. She asks Shrishti not to stress about Jhanak, who has gone too far from them. She belittles Jhanak. She says that Jhanak will contact someone for her benefit. Shubh asks Shrishti to forget Jhanak. He advises that they think of Arshi and Anirudh’s union and happiness. Shrishti wants to see Arshi once. Dadi informs Choton and Anjana that Arshi’s operation was successful. Choton pities Arshi and Jhanak.

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh's anger burst

He tells them that Jhanak is missing, and he is worried for her. Dadi asks him to stop defending Jhanak. Choton regrets that they have been unfair towards Jhanak. He feels that Jhanak got so humiliated that she had to leave. Dadu also regrets that he couldn’t convince Dadi about Jhanak. Jhanak takes up the job. The lady says that she will give 10000 rs as a monthly salary. Jhanak is sure to find accommodation. She says that she has no experience and won’t get a better job. The lady offers her accommodation. Jhanak gets glad. The lady asks her to join them from tomorrow. Jhanak secures the job.

Choton lectures Dadi about neglecting Jhanak’s favors to them. Anjana tells Choton that Jhanak can live with esteem only if she stays out of their reach. Dadi criticizes Jhanak. She sounds like Shrishti. Choton tells Dadi that she has lost the sensibility to judge between right and wrong. He informs Anjana that Jhanak isn’t answering his calls. He wants to know if she is safe. Dadi asks her to let Jhanak go anywhere. She calls Jhanak a big fraud. Anjana defends Jhanak. Dadi instructs Choton to meet Mrinalini. Choton avoids the topic. Anjana asks him to just consider the alliance with Mrinalini because he can’t live alone all his life. Choton says that he doesn’t want to marry because his age for marriage has passed.

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh's anger burst

Anjana says that Mrinalini is a nice girl. Choton says that he doesn’t like Mrinalini. Dadi asks him to understand Mrinalini. Choton doesn’t want Mrinalini to change him. On the other hand, Vinayak meets Arshi and pacifies her. He tells them that she can perform in the reality show and resume her normal routine. Dadi and Dadu try hard to convince Choton to marry. They want to see his happiness and family. Shrishti meets Arshi and gets updates from the doctor. He tells her that the case is complicated, and if Arshi walks like before, then it will be a big achievement for them. Shrishti wishes Arshi to recover from the trauma. She sheds tears and influences Arshi emotionally.

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh's anger burst

The lady asks Jhanak to respect Guruji and not make any mistake that upsets him, or else she will lose the job. Jhanak assures that she will pay much respect to Guruji. Anirudh worries for Jhanak and tries to get information about her. Lal and Bipasha find him focussing on Jhanak rather than Arshi. They annoy Anirudh by instigating him. They speak ill about Jhanak. Shubh and Tanuja try to speak to Anirudh. Anirudh tells them that his mood is bad and he doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Lal and Bipasha ask him the reason for his worry. Anirudh doesn’t share anything. He angrily argues with his family members. He turns rude when Bipasha’s comments anger him. Lal advises Anirudh not to worry about Jhanak.

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh's anger burst

Bipasha blames Anirudh for cheating on Arshi. Anirudh asks her what she means to say. She tells him that Jhanak left the house to gain his sympathy and he doesn’t realize her clever trap. She adds that society calls him characterless and dual-faced. He says that he doesn’t care what others think about him. She tells him that he should keep his name and reputation. She comments that he doesn’t love Arshi now because Jhanak has taken Arshi’s place. She says that he loves Jhanak and doesn’t want to marry Arshi.

Anirudh asks her to stop it. Lal asks him to stay within limits. Anirudh asks Bipasha not to insult him. Jhanak joins the job as Guruji’s PA. He instructs her not to distract the dancers during their performance. She apologizes to him and assures him she will be careful from now on.

Jhanak 13th July 2024 Written Update Anirudh's anger burst


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