Bhagya Lakshmi 19th July 2024 Written Update Rishi's risky move

Bhagya Lakshmi 19th July 2024 Written Update Rishi’s risky move

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Bhagya Lakshmi 19th July 2024 Written Update Rishi’s risky move. Aanchal tells Karishma and Malishka that they have to fight this battle to keep Lakshmi out of their house. Malishka tells Neelam that she can’t allow Lakshmi to stay with Rishi and her under the same roof. She cries and asks Neelam to save her family. She says that she knows what’s going to happen. Rishi alerts Lakshmi about the snake moving towards her. Lakshmi protects the kids. Rishi tells Shiv that there is no other way and now he will go into the tunnel to save his family. He doesn’t want to watch the drama by staying there with the family, while Lakshmi and the kids die inside the tunnel.

Rishi risks his life and enters the tunnel. He finally reaches Lakshmi and the kids and takes a step to save them from the snake. Rishi unites with Lakshmi. They embrace each other. Malishka turns jealous and vengeful against Lakshmi. She feels that Lakshmi has not only entered her husband’s life but also put his and their children’s lives in danger. She can’t bear the thought of Rishi risking his life for someone else, especially when he is supposed to be with her. Malishka’s jealousy soon turns into hatred as she blames Lakshmi for all their misfortunes and vows to make her pay for it.

On the other hand, Paro and Rohan are grateful to Lakshmi for saving them from the snake and risking her own life in the process. They see how much Rishi cares for Lakshmi and understand that he has genuine feelings for her. Meanwhile, Neelam is torn between her loyalty towards Malishka and seeing how much Rishi loves Lakshmi. She doesn’t know whose side to take but deep down she knows that she wants everyone to be happy. Keep reading for Bhagya Lakshmi 19th July 2024 Written Update.

Bhagya Lakshmi 19th July 2024 Written Update Rishi’s risky move:

Rishi tells Lakshmi that he will guide her. Lakshmi asks him to tell her where to move. Harleen prays for Lakshmi, Paro, and Rohan. Aanchal says that Lakshmi wanted to become great. Karishma wants to see how Lakshmi saves them. Harleen scolds them for speaking nonsense. Neelam cries seeing the snake threat to the kids’ lives. Rishi says that the snake is climbing on the wall. Lakshmi asks him to send the light ball down. Shiv says that if the ball falls over the snake, then the snake can bite someone. Lakshmi asks Rishi to send the ball somehow. He says that he trusts her a lot.

Shiv asks Rishi not to do so. Rishi says that it’s his family, and he will decide for them. He sees the snake coming downwards. He goes there and throws the ball into the tunnel. Lakshmi asks Rishi about the snake’s position. Lakshmi gets some light inside the tunnel because of the light ball. She sees the snake and puts a cloth over it. Rishi applauds Lakshmi for her brave move. He says that she didn’t let anything happen to anyone.

Rishi tells Lakshmi that the rain has stopped, and very soon they will be rescued. Lakshmi thanks Rishi for helping them. Rishi says that she has handled the snake. They both give credit to each other. He says that they are one. Malishka cries watching this and goes away. Aanchal asks Karishma to fight and keep Lakshmi away from the family. Malishka goes to her room and packs her bag. Neelam reaches her and asks what is she up to. Malishka tells her that she is suffering because of Lakshmi. She can’t tolerate Lakshmi back in the house. Aanchal tells Malishka that Neelam will never permit Lakshmi to come back home.

Malishka tells them that Rishi and Lakshmi are reconciling their differences and uniting after so many years. She gets insecure. She says that nobody can stop Lakshmi from coming home. Neelam tells that she will stop Lakshmi from coming home. She just wants to permit Paro into the family. Malishka asks Neelam how will she do this. Neelam says that once the kids come back home, she will kick out Lakshmi. She doesn’t want Malishka to go anywhere. Malishka calms down. Aanchal asks her to be with Rishi for Rohan’s sake. Rishi scolds Shiv for not rescuing the kids when he knows all the problems. He says that he will go inside the tunnel and save his family. He follows his heart.

He understands that Shiv can’t feel the same for his family. Rishi informs Lakshmi that he is coming to save her. He promises Harleen that he will get everyone out safely. Harleen blesses him. Neelam asks him to promise that he will come back. Malishka too worries for Rishi. Rishi enters the tunnel with difficulty. He meets Lakshmi and the kids. Lakshmi hugs him and cries. Rishi tells her that he has come and he is with her. Malishka weeps seeing their family union. Rishi speeds up the rescue mission. He takes Paro with him. Neelam is happy to see Paro rescued. Neelam hugs Paro and cries. Paro tells the family that she is okay. Rishi goes back to get Rohan and Lakshmi.

Bhagya Lakshmi 19th July 2024 Written Update Rishi's risky move


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