Bhagya Lakshmi 21st July 2024 Full Written Update Malishka's madness

Bhagya Lakshmi 21st July 2024 Full Written Update Malishka’s madness

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 21st July 2024 Full Written Update Malishka’s madness. Neelam, Karishma, and Aanchal see Paro caring for Rohan. Aanchal says that Paro is a caring sister like Neelam. Neelam is glad that her granddaughter is like her. She meets Paro. She asks her if she likes to stay with them. Paro says yes. Karishma asks if she likes Neelam. Paro says that she likes Neelam, but not her scolding. Neelam says that she will not scold her now. Paro says that she likes everyone in the family. Neelam asks her to stay with them forever because it’s her house. Paro gets glad. Kiran reaches there with an urgency. She asks Neelam to come and see Malishka. Neelam asks Paro to sleep. The elders go to meet Malishka.

Malishka goes madly insecure. She asks Aanchal to pack her bags. She says that Neelam has failed to stop Lakshmi. Neelam tells her that Lakshmi will not come home. Malishka asks her to come with her and see something. Neelam asks her to mind herself. Malishka apologizes to her. She says that she wants to show her proof, Lakshmi is staying in their guest room and she is back in their lives. Neelam tells that Lakshmi is ill.

She adds that she is allowing Lakshmi to stay for the sake of humanity. She asks Malishka to wait for a day. Malishka doesn’t think Lakshmi will leave ever. Neelam asks her to keep faith. She makes a promise to Malishka. On the other hand, Rishi goes to meet Lakshmi. He misses their past moments. He cares for her, while she is asleep. Rishi wishes their old life to resume again.

Bhagya Lakshmi 21st July 2024 Full Written Update Malishka's madness

Rishi promises to get back their past life. He says that their happiness will return to them. He wants their kids to stay with them. He gets emotional. Ayush and Paro get mischievous. They go and wake up Harleen. Harleen slaps Ayush for scaring her. Paro says that Harleen has to come with them. They go to Lakshmi, who tells them about Rohan’s surprise birthday celebrations. She says that Rohan deserves a cute birthday party. She wakes up Rohan. She gets emotional and recalls her little son Rohan.

Rohan gets a wonderful birthday surprise. Paro tells him that Lakshmi has baked the cake for him. He thanks Lakshmi and calls her a supermom. Malishka watches them and turns jealous. She finds Lakshmi gaining everyone’s love. Harleen and Ayush embrace Lakshmi and Paro. Malishka heads to Neelam and tells her about Lakshmi celebrating Rohan’s birthday. Neelam doesn’t think it is wrong. She says that Malishka should have planned Rohan’s birthday to cheer him up. She adds that Lakshmi is thinking good about Rohan.

She lectures Malishka. She asks Malishka to come and meet the lawyer. She wants to get Paro’s custody. Paro tells Lakshmi about Neelam’s good behavior. Lakshmi says that Neelam isn’t bad, but she acts strict sometimes. She goes to meet Neelam. She overhears Neelam talking to the lawyer about Paro’s custody. She is shell-shocked to know Neelam’s intentions.


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