Bhagya Lakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update Lakshmi departs

Bhagya Lakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update Lakshmi departs

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Bhagya Lakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update Lakshmi departs. Shalu and Lakshmi find Paro playing with her friends. Lakshmi tells Shalu that Neelam has called her many times and maybe she wants to ask about Paro. She doesn’t want to fight Neelam. Shalu says that Neelam has a big ego, and if she is calling repeatedly, then it means she has something important to convey. Lakshmi wants to stay away from Oberois. Neelam lectures Rano. Their argument goes on. Neelam calls Rano senseless and asks her to thank her stars for getting forgiven. She asks Rano to inform Lakshmi about her bad time commencing soon. Neelam and Aanchal make a leave.

Rishi tells Ayush that he doesn’t understand why Lakshmi is behaving badly with him. Ayush asks if he has made some mistake. Rishi says that he supports her against Neelam and even then she is angry. He adds that he didn’t get angry and spoke to her with love. He wants Lakshmi to stay with him in the Oberoi house. Ayush says that Lakshmi is scared of losing Paro. Lakshmi tells Shalu that Paro won’t be able to tolerate whatever is going to happen next. She feels bad for Paro. Shalu asks what does she mean. Lakshmi has decided to take Paro away from Rishi. She knows Paro will be hurt.

Ayush tells Rishi that Lakshmi is scared because of the past. He knows that Lakshmi has tolerated much pain, and she won’t be able to forgive them so soon. He understands Lakshmi’s emotions and conveys them to Rishi. Lakshmi and Shalu come home and find Rano in a bad mood. Rano sends Paro to her room. She tells Lakshmi that Neelam and Aanchal have come home to meet her. Rano tells Lakshmi how Neelam has threatened her. She doesn’t understand the meaning of Neelam’s words. Lakshmi says that she won’t let this happen. She packs her bags. She says that she will go away from the city and avoid the bad times. She lies to Paro.

Paro gets upset knowing they are going back to Gurdaspur. Malishka tells Anushka that she is preparing a meal for Rohan. Anushka asks her to focus on Rishi, or else she will lose him. Malishka knows Neelam will make sure that Lakshmi doesn’t come back. Anushka tells her that Rishi loves Lakshmi. Malishka yells at her. Lakshmi thanks Rano for supporting her so much. Rano gets emotional while bidding her farewell. She asks Paro to take care of Lakshmi and Shalu. Lakshmi and Shalu take Paro and board the bus.

Malishka asks Anushka to never say that again. She says that Rishi just loves her. Lakshmi misses Rishi and thinks she is doing wrong to take away Paro from him. She weeps. Malishka too sheds tears thinking of her perfect love story with Rishi. She reveals that she got Rishi married to Lakshmi when he refused profusely. She adds that she wanted to live with Rishi and compelled him to marry Lakshmi. She feels sorry that she lost his love. Lakshmi feels guilty that she is separating Paro from Rishi. She tells Shalu that she is doing wrong with Paro and Rishi. She doesn’t think there is any other option.

Malishka says that Rishi fell into guilt after marrying Lakshmi, but she has taken advantage of his innocence. Anushka apologizes to her. Malishka warns her against speaking such nonsense again. Lakshmi ponders about her life-changing once again. Rishi and Ayush come to Rano’s house to meet Lakshmi. Rano says that Lakshmi isn’t at home. Rishi asks her not to lie. Ayush begs her to allow Rishi to meet Lakshmi. He asks her to help them. Rano tells them that Lakshmi left the city. Lakshmi feels she hates Rishi and doesn’t trust him, but still she loves him and trusts him too. A police van follows the bus. Lakshmi gets alert.






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