Jhanak 26th July 2024 Written Update Arshi questions Anirudh

Jhanak 26th July 2024 Written Update Arshi questions Anirudh

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Jhanak 26th July 2024 Written Update Arshi questions Anirudh. Rudra gets angry at Pallavi when she lies about Jhanak. Jhanak doesn’t want them to fight. He threatens to end ties with Pallavi if her behavior doesn’t change. His warning shakes Pallavi. At the Bose house, Anirudh asks Arshi to know that only she matters to him. He sends Appu to her room. Rudra gets Jhanak to the dance event venue. He finds her nervous and asks if she has stage fear. He asks her to have some food. Rudra gets busy with his work. Anirudh brings Arshi to their room. She sees the decorations and asks him if he is interested in conducting the rituals.

She reminds him that their marriage is still incomplete. He says that their hearts have united. He doesn’t care if the rituals are complete or not. She misjudges him. She says that she wants to know his intentions well. She asks him if he didn’t get any gifts for her. He asks her to come with him on shopping and buy anything she wants. She laughs tauntingly. She calls him a smart liar. He asks why did she marry him if she has so many problems with him. She says that she loves him and can’t live without him. She confesses her feelings to him. Abhijeet gives some tips to Jhanak. His girlfriend insults Jhanak.

Jhanak gets blamed by Rudra’s students. She asks them to stop insulting her. Anirudh gets sad thinking of Arshi’s love. He wants her recovery so that they can stay happy. He gets tired of explaining to her. She says that she wants a gift right away. He asks what does she want. She wants him to just tell the truth. She questions him if he loves only her, or Jhanak as well. Anirudh asks him not to doubt him. He tells that he loves her. He refuses to answer about Jhanak. She expects him to tell the truth. He denies having feelings for anyone else.

Jhanak 26th July 2024 Written Update Arshi questions Anirudh

Choton meets Mrinalini at her school. He makes an apology for his mistakes. She says that he shouldn’t talk about anything personal when they have no connection. He asks her to decide if she will forgive him or not. He says that he admits he did wrong to lie and make stories. Jhanak gets accused by the students in front of the management. The man warns Jhanak about her actions. He says that she won’t get any job after she gets ousted from the competition.

Arshi asks Anirudh to tell her the truth. He is afraid to answer her and break her heart. He loves Jhanak but knows he will never get her back. He doesn’t know where is she. He wants to keep Jhanak away so that she stays happy. He is confused if he loves Jhanak or not. She asks him to answer him straight. He says that he doesn’t love anyone else. She tells him that she is aware of the fact, he loves Jhanak. Jhanak gets reprimanded when she isn’t at fault. Rudra isn’t around to save her. Arshi tells Anirudh that he is helpless to be with her, if he had a choice then he would have accepted Jhanak. He denies it.

He says that they are almost married and nothing else matters. She says that he thinks he is almost married and can’t confirm their marriage. She accuses him of hurting her feelings. She is hurt that Jhanak has snatched her love, career, and dance. She cries that she can’t control his thinking when Jhanak has made a place in his heart. She angrily pushes him away. She asks him to stop cheating on her.

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Mrinalini tells Choton that she isn’t interested in him. He invites her home. She refuses to meet him or his family. He turns caring towards her when he feels she isn’t well. She asks him not to make the situation awkward. He tells that she shouldn’t hate him. She asks him to leave if he is done advising her. She values her kind gesture and offers him to have a cup of tea. Arshi asks Anirudh to confess the truth that he doesn’t love him. She says that he holds no right to touch her. She adds that he was married to Jhanak. She doesn’t want to have a wedding night with Anirudh when their wedding isn’t complete. Anirudh asks her to calm down and not react in anger. She asks him to stay away. She expresses her hatred for him because of his lies.






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