Pukaar 16th September 2024 Written Update

Pukaar 9th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Pukaar 9th September 2024 Written Update. Today in Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak, Mayuri reports to Rajeshwari that their plan was a success. While Rajeshwari initially tries to take all the credit for administering the wrong medication to Saraswati, Mayuri reminds her of their combined efforts. Just then, Sagar arrives and Mayuri quickly hides behind the door. Sagar updates Rajeshwari on Dr. Singh’s information about Saraswati’s health, and she reminds him of the doctor’s advice to keep her happy. She also suggests he consider marrying Koel, but Sagar leaves without a response.

Meanwhile, Vedika confides in Padma about everything going on with Saraswati and expresses her concern for her safety. Both Padma and Kishorilal share their worries as well. In fact, Kishorilal even shares his suspicion that someone from the Maheswari family may be behind it all. Vedika agrees and adds that despite feeling a connection with Koel before, she no longer trusts her after what happened. She knows she must take action to protect her mother from their enemies. At Maheswari’s residence, Koel tends to Saraswati. However, Rajeshwari unknowingly administers the wrong medication to her once again.

Sagar observes the situation from a distance and remembers all that has transpired. He finally comes to terms with the fact that Vedika cannot be Jahnvi after all. This realization leads him to agree to marry Koel, much to her and Saraswati’s surprise. When questioned by Saraswati, Sagar reassures her by stating that he has accepted Koel as Jahnvi. As Koel walks away from the scene, Sagar follows closely behind. Keep reading for Pukaar 9th September 2024 Written Update.


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