Maati Se Bandhi Dor Upcoming Ranvijay favors Vaiju over Jaya

Maati Se Bandhi Dor Upcoming Ranvijay favors Vaiju over Jaya

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Maati Se Bandhi Dor Upcoming Ranvijay favors Vaiju over Jaya. Ranvijay is determined to enhance the reputation and brand value of Jaya Sugar Mill, and he discusses his ambitions with a colleague. The colleague asks Ranvijay who he plans to choose as the face of the new advertising campaign for the mill. At that moment, Jaya overhears their conversation and starts to believe that Ranvijay wants to make her the brand ambassador for the sugar mill. She feels confident that she will be the one to represent the brand, thinking Ranvijay values her presence and influence. However, unbeknownst to Jaya, Ranvijay is contemplating making Vaiju the new face of Jaya Sugar Mill, believing that she would be the perfect choice to elevate the mill’s image and brand identity.

As seen in the recent episode, Rao Sahab confides in Meera’s picture, while Vaiju overhears from a distance. He reveals that he is Rohan’s father and had searched for him in vain for a long time. Vaiju approaches him and questions the truth of his claim. Rao Sahab explains that only Vasundara knows about his relationship with Meera, but she is unaware of their child. They were deeply in love, but societal pressures prevented them from getting married. When Meera became pregnant, he was afraid of the consequences and refused to accept the child. She understood his predicament and decided to raise the child alone. Rao Sahab spent years searching for them without any luck, completely unaware that Rohan was his son. Vaiju wonders if he intends to come clean about the situation to everyone now.

Rao Sahab firmly believes that revealing this truth will have a devastating impact on his family. However, Vaiju raises a valid point – if Vasundara, Ranvijay and Ragini were to find out from an external source, the consequences would be unavoidable. Rao Sahab agrees but insists on keeping this truth hidden until the appropriate time. He urges Vaiju to keep it to themselves as he cannot bear to see his family torn apart or hurt Vasundara’s feelings. Vaiju then hands over a photo and assures that they will not share this truth with anyone. However, they express sympathy towards Rohan’s unfortunate situation where he is unaware of his family and their rights. They believe it would be best for everyone involved if this truth is disclosed soon so that Rohan can rightfully claim what is his.






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