RSHD 12th September 2024 Written Update Ibaadat's love

RSHD 12th September 2024 Written Update Ibaadat’s love

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

RSHD 12th September 2024 Written Update Ibaadat’s love. Today in Rabb Se Hai Dua, Subhan, in a drunken state, has completely lost control of his senses. Under the influence of alcohol, he mistakes Ibaadat for Mannat, and in his confusion, he forcefully pulls Ibaadat towards him. Despite realizing that Subhan is not in his right mind, Ibaadat cannot resist his affectionate touch. She is emotionally overwhelmed, and though she tries to process the situation, she finds herself succumbing to the moment.

Subhan, thinking he’s with Mannat, becomes more intimate with Ibaadat, and they share romantic moments. Ibaadat, despite knowing his confusion, feels weakened by the love she holds for him. As they lie down together, Ibaadat becomes emotional, interpreting the situation as a divine blessing. She believes that the Almighty has granted her deepest wish by bringing her and Subhan closer, even though the circumstances are clouded by Subhan’s intoxication.

Meanwhile, other characters in the house are unaware of the intimate moment between Ibaadat and Subhan. When the family returns home, Kaynat becomes suspicious of Subhan’s whereabouts. She sends Nigar to check if Subhan is with Mannat. Although hesitant, Nigar is pushed by Kaynat to investigate. Peeking through a window, Nigar misinterprets the situation, thinking that Subhan and Mannat are together. She believes she has seen Subhan and Mannat lying together on the bed like a newlywed couple. Excited by her discovery, Nigar rushes back to Kaynat to report that Mannat has successfully seduced Subhan.

Kaynat is thrilled with this news and rewards Nigar with five hundred rupees, satisfied with the outcome. Meanwhile, Hamida overhears their conversation. Instead of reacting with anger or distress, she feels a sense of gratitude. Hamida silently thanks the Almighty for what she believes is protection over the couple, and she prays for the continued safety and well-being of Subhan and Ibaadat.

The next morning, Subhan wakes up disoriented, realizing that Ibaadat is lying beside him in bed. He is shocked and confused, unable to recall anything from the previous night. Ibaadat remains asleep, unaware of Subhan’s growing distress. Still in a state of disbelief, Subhan quietly leaves the bed and heads towards Mannat’s room. Upon reaching her door, he bangs on it, trying to wake her. Mannat, startled, wakes up and realizes Subhan was not with her during the night.

Confused, Mannat questions Subhan about where he was the previous night. Subhan, still unsure of what happened, replies that he was sleeping in Ibaadat’s room. Mannat is taken aback by this revelation, shocked that Subhan spent the night with Ibaadat instead of her. Despite the confusion, Mannat instructs Subhan to get ready for the day, still processing the events.

Back in his room, Ibaadat, now awake, immediately rushes to hug Subhan. She is filled with emotion and tells him that she cannot live without him. However, Subhan remains confused and distant. He is unable to understand why Ibaadat is acting so strangely, as he has no recollection of their romantic encounter the previous night. He feels disconnected from the events, which leaves him cold and indifferent toward Ibaadat.

RSHD 11th September 2024 Written Update

Ibaadat, on the other hand, is focused on the deep emotional bond she felt during their intimate moment, even as Subhan continues to behave rudely towards her. Despite his lack of understanding and harsh behavior, Ibaadat holds on to the belief that their connection is real, cherishing the romantic moment from the night before. As Subhan exits the bathroom, Ibaadat questions him about where he is headed. But again, Subhan responds coldly, brushing her off. For Ibaadat, however, the previous night overshadows his rude behavior, and she continues to cling to the hope that their bond will grow stronger.


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