Jhanak 12th September 2024 Written Update

Jhanak 12th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Jhanak 12th September 2024 Written Update. Today in Jhanak, the entire family is overcome with emotion as they bid farewell to Appu. Jhanak speaks out against the traditional customs that brides are expected to follow on their second day. Appu also expresses her reluctance to partake in these rituals, which creates a divide between her and Anjana. Concerned for her daughter’s well-being, Anjana reminds her to take care of herself, so as not to cause any discomfort for her new in-laws. Lalon assures everyone that he will take good care of his wife. Eventually, the moment arrives for Appu to depart from the Bose household, leaving her own family behind.

Her parents, Anjana and Bablu, are overcome with sadness as they bid farewell to their daughter. They are urged to keep their composure as Appu sets off with her newly wedded husband. The rest of the relatives remind them not to let their emotions get the better of them, as Appu’s happiness should be their priority. Aditya contacts Jhanak, urging her to return to Mumbai as soon as possible. He has arranged a meeting with a director who plans to finalize a film within 2 days. Aditya has already taken care of the ticket for Jhanak. Complying with Aditya’s request, she decides to make her way back to Mumbai within the next 2 days.

Coincidentally, Anirudh catches sight of the name flashing on Jhanak’s phone screen while Aditya is calling her. Fueled by suspicion, he quietly trails behind Jhanak and eavesdrops on their conversation. His doubts are furthered when he suspects that Aditya and Jhanak may be plotting against him to ruin his reputation. This realization leaves Jhanak fuming as she discovers his secret act of listening in on their conversation. Despite Anirudh’s continued doubts, he refuses to believe that Jhanak could be the mother of his child. Repeatedly, he questions her character and her relationship with Aditya Kapoor in Mumbai.

Anirudh becomes increasingly angry, suspecting Jhanak of plotting to ruin his reputation. Despite her efforts to explain the truth of their intimacy that resulted in the pregnancy, Anirudh remains hateful towards Jhanak. She is heartbroken and unable to change his feelings towards her. However, she holds onto the hope that one day, when he realizes his mistake, it will be too late for their relationship to be salvaged.


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