Jhanak 13th September 2024 Written Update

Jhanak 13th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Jhanak 13th September 2024 Written Update. Today in Jhanak episode, As Appu and Lalon are welcomed by the family, Kajal asks Anuradha for some rest since she has school the next day. However, Anuradha and him object to this, suggesting they should party for a couple of days instead. This annoys Kajal. Meanwhile, Appu plans on sleeping but is requested by Anuradha to perform the grahpravesh ritual first. After agreeing, Appu proceeds with the ritual and everyone seems happy except for Kajal who remains upset. As Lalon’s cousin demands money from him to enter the house, he complains to Anuradha about it. Both Appu and Anuradha convince him to give the money to his cousins.

Despite attempting to leave again, Kajal is stopped. A neighbor mentions that they heard about Appu’s health issues but believe she is just a normal person. Lalon thanks the neighbor for their statement and praises Appu’s nature. However, this only angers Kajal more as she taunts Lalon for not understanding Appu better. Anuradha successfully convinces Appu to complete the ritual so she can rest. Appu agrees before Kajal once again insists on leaving, but Lalon and Anuradha manage to persuade her otherwise.

Lalon then mentions that Appu may face challenges in their small house, but Appu reassures them that it is also her home and she will adapt easily. This brings a smile to everyone’s face. Despite Kajal’s attempts to disrupt the post-wedding ritual between Lalon and Appu, Appu calmly convinces her to stay until it is finished. The following day, Jhanak brings Choton with her to Lalon’s house. She updates them on her decision to head to Mumbai for work obligations. Jhanak then advises Lalon to uncover the culprits who deceived him and hid the truth from him.

Lalon responds that he plans to focus on his personal life, but Anuradha insists he follows Jhanak’s suggestion. Lalon and Anuradha inform Jhanak and Choton that Appu has become friends with Kajal and is now helping her get ready. This news surprises both Jhanak and Choton, and they are delighted when Anuradha reveals that she will not try to change Appu because she considers Appu a daughter. Anirudh arrives at Lalon’s house. Jhanak playfully teases both Mrinalini and Choton. She also mentions to Mrinalini that Appu is upset with her for not attending the wedding. And just as Appu enters, she expresses her disappointment about not being able to see Anjana’s face.

However, Choton advises her to wait until their parents arrive. Following Anuradha’s instructions, Chimli goes to fetch Megha and her sister. Once they join them, they discuss Jhanak’s experience on a reality show where she ended up as a runner-up. This prompts Jhanak to indirectly taunt Anirudh, jokingly implying that his wife should have won instead. Sensing Anirudh’s discomfort, Megha suggests singing a song for Jhanak since she won’t be participating in the evening ceremony. But Jhanak surprises them by agreeing to dance upon Megha’s request, despite initially hesitating.


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