MSBD 13th September 2024 Written Update

MSBD 13th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

MSBD 13th September 2024 Written Update. Sulekha mockingly criticizes Vaiju for making all the decisions. In Maati Se Bandhi Dor written update today, She scolds her for doing so without consulting Ranvijay. When Vaiju clarifies that Ranvijay is ill, Sulekha brings up Jaikant as a reminder. The rest of the family comes to Vaiju’s defense, asking Sulekha to calm down. Naagraj suggests that there may have been a valid reason for Vaiju’s actions. Jaikant explains that he had taken on the responsibility at the mill and found Vaiju giving orders in his place. Vaiju clarifies that she was simply trying to be helpful. Sulekha then advises her to focus on fieldwork rather than interfering at the mill. Sulekha insults Vaiju for acting in charge at both home and the mill.

She accuses Vaiju of attempting to take over as owner. Sulekha reminds her that she will never allow an outsider to replace Jaikant. Vasundhara interjects, reminding Sulekha that it is a festival day and she should calm down. Meanwhile, Ranvijay speaks with investors about his goal of making Jaya Sugars a well-known brand. Jaya overhears and feels pleased. The investors suggest using a real person instead of a model as the face of the company. Ranvijay agrees, stating that the ideal model would be someone familiar with the mill’s workings. Jaya wonders if Ranvijay has her in mind, especially since he even named the mill after her. Once again, Sulekha goes to taunt Vaiju about Ranvijay’s absence during Ganapati.

She mentions how Vaiju initially came to the house to take care of Jaya but ended up staying there indefinitely. Sulekha wonders why Vaiju continues to stay at their house and what her relationship with them is. She questions why Vaiju hasn’t left yet. Unbeknownst to them, Ranvijay overhears their conversation. Reflecting on Sulekha’s words, Vaiju realizes that just being responsible for Ranvijay isn’t a sufficient reason for her to stay at the Mohite Patel home. Meanwhile, on a video call with Kaveri, Jaya excitedly shares about modeling for Jaya Sugars. Kaveri predicts that Ranvijay will surely push her to be a model as well.

Together, they select sarees for both of them. Ranvijay instructs Jaya to be at the mill the following morning for a task. Upon arriving, he informs Vaiju that he requires her assistance with the shoot and would like her to represent the mill. Vaiju questions him if he is serious. Ranvijay expresses his desire to showcase Vaiju’s value and give her the recognition she deserves. However, Vaiju confesses her lack of acting experience and apprehension towards being in front of the camera. Meanwhile, Jaya prepares herself and arrives at the mill as instructed. Ranvijay instructs the director to meet with Vaiju, who will be modeling for the shoot. Jaya, who arrives at the mill, overhears their conversation and is upset by it.

The director compliments Vaiju as the perfect choice for the advertisement, further adding to Jaya’s heartache. However, Vaiju expresses to Ranvijay that she cannot do the shoot. At that moment, they both notice Jaya standing nearby. Wanting to help Vaiju, Ranvijay asks Jaya to speak with Vaiju and convince her that she is the best fit for the mill advertisement. Despite this effort, as Vaiju begins shooting, Jaya’s heartache intensifies. Eventually, Ranvijay finds her crying and their disagreement escalates.


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