Anupama 18th September 2024 Written Update

Anupama 18th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Anupama 18th September 2024 Written Update. In Anupama written update today, After forcibly removing the Shah family from their home, the goons also toss out their belongings. Leela and Hasmukh become anxious while Anupama expresses concern for their well-being. Amidst the chaos, Anuj catches the spice box that is also thrown out. Anupama pleads with the goons to treat their food with respect. As the Shahs are pushed out of their home, Anupama and Anuj come to their aid. Meanwhile, Leela frets about where they will stay. Anuj makes a call and offers to help them seek shelter at Aasha Bhawan until they can figure out another plan. Indira invites Lela to join them.

Nandita reassures that they can manage with less space. Kinjal expresses concern about troubling Anupama. However, Anupama urges Hasmukh and Leela to listen to Anuj’s suggestion. Paritosh firmly declines to go to Asha Bhawan. Pakhi decides to check into a hotel instead. With a sigh, Anupama tells Paritosh and Pakhi they are free to go wherever they please, as she does not want to impose on them. She notes that if Dolly wishes, she can accompany Paritosh and Pakhi. Dolly, Dimpy, and Paritosh find refuge at the Asha Bhawan. Pakhi brings Paritosh along with her. Anupama acknowledges that time can be unpredictable.

She explains that the Shah family has criticized their decision to seek shelter at the Asha Bhawan on this particular day. Anupama takes it upon herself to serve tea. Anuj and Anupama regret not consulting with Bala, Nandita, and Indira before inviting the Shah family over. To their relief, Bala and Indira show their support for Anuj and Anupama’s actions. However, both Bala and Nandita agree to handle any trouble caused by the Shahs.

Anuj mentions that members such as Paritosh, Pakhi, Dimpy, and Dolly may cause issues as well. Anupama sternly states that all four of them must adhere to their rules or else they will be forced to leave the house. Pakhi and Paritosh are struggling to adjust to life at Aasha Bhawan. Dimpy insists on a separate room for Ansh, while Kinjal reminds them that they are guests in Anupama’s home and must abide by her rules. Paritosh urges Kinjal to stop imitating Anupama.

Later, Anupama gives Pakhi and Paritosh an ultimatum – if they can’t get along, they should leave. She also reminds the Shah family to maintain discipline while staying there. Anupama advises Pakhi and Paritosh to be thankful for the shelter provided and warns them not to disrespect anyone at Aasha Bhawan. Seeing the tension, Leela offers to help Anupama. However, Anuj and Anupama tell Leela to relax and not worry about the future.


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