Maati 28th September 2024 Written Update Ranvijay kidnapped

Maati 28th September 2024 Written Update Ranvijay kidnapped

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Maati 28th September 2024 Written Update Ranvijay kidnapped. Today in Maati Se Bandhi Dor, Vaiju is overcome with emotion, reminiscing about her time in the house. She quietly opens the door. Suddenly, Naagraj’s booming voice interrupts her thoughts and she curiously hides away her bag to go see what he has to say. Naagraj informs everyone of some good news and urges them to listen to what Ranvijay and Vaiju have done. Vaiju inquires about the matter, and Naagraj shows a newspaper where it reads that Ranvijay and Vaiju have revealed the person responsible for the bridge collapse. Rao Sahab commends their bravery, while Ragini asks when this happened. Jaya reveals that it was yesterday, and she expresses her pride for Vaiju.

She then embraces Vaiju, who looks at the picture with mixed emotions. However, she decides not to let herself feel overjoyed today. Rao Sahab wonders about Ranvijay’s whereabouts, and Jaya offers to call him. Vasundara promises to make a special breakfast in celebration of their achievement, but Vaiju feels somber. Meanwhile, Ranvijay is at work at the mill, reflecting on his decision to reveal the truth to Vaiju for her own good. Jaya calls him and asks him to check the newspaper. The manager brings it to him, and Jaya also requests jalebis from him on his way back home. Ranvijay agrees before acknowledging that he couldn’t have done it without Vaiju.

The manager warns Ranvijay about taking twice the usual risk. This news upsets the goon, who scolds his aide and resorts to violence. Meanwhile, Ranvijay is walking and recalls Vaiju’s advice. As Vaiju makes her way, she thinks of him. He passes by and stops to buy Jalebi and vada pau. Unfortunately, Vaiju doesn’t catch a glimpse of him. She sits crying as a man suddenly hits Ranvijay on the head and takes him away. Vaiju turns around but is unable to see the assailant’s face. Desperate for help, she pleads with someone nearby to rescue the kidnapped person. Determined, she chases after the car but unfortunately trips and falls.

Despite this setback, she manages to take note of the license plate number. The goon issues a threat to Ranvijay, causing him to become angry. He then proceeds to point a gun at him. In the midst of this confrontation, Jaya reaches out to Ranvijay. In an attempt to defend himself, Ranvijay fights back against the goons. Despite his efforts, the goon manages to grab onto Ranvijay’s neck, prompting him to retaliate with a kick. Jaya expresses her concern for Ranvijay’s well-being and informs Vasundara of the situation. In the midst of all this chaos, Ranvijay receives a call from Jaya but unfortunately, the goon destroys his phone before he can answer it.

Worriedly, Jaya believes something is wrong as she recalls that he had planned on leaving within 10 minutes. Meanwhile, Vasundara also becomes anxious about Ranvijay’s safety. As the fight continues, one of the goons strikes Ranvijay on the head causing him to lose consciousness. Vaiju senses that a family member may have been kidnapped and upon finding Ranvijay’s shoe and bike near the scene of the crime, she fears that it may have been him who was taken by the kidnappers.






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