Kumkum Bhagya 4th October 2024 Written Update Purvi kidnapped

Kumkum Bhagya 4th October 2024 Written Update Purvi kidnapped

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Kumkum Bhagya 4th October 2024 Written Update Purvi kidnapped. In Kumkum Bhagya written update today, As Neha sips on the drink concocted by Jasbir’s henchmen, disguised as waiters, she expresses her gratitude and makes her exit. One of the henchmen inquires about their next course of action after witnessing Neha consume the spiked beverage intended for Purvi. Without hesitation, his comrade reassures him, assuring him they will come up with a solution.

Meanwhile, Purvi urges RV to head downstairs while she searches for Neha. RV complies with her request. One of Jasbir’s henchmen discovers he possesses chloroform and deems it a suitable option for incapacitating Purvi. They inform Jasbir that they have successfully rendered Purvi unconscious and contained her in a gunny sack. Realizing the complexity of the house, they request Jasbir’s assistance in navigating their way out. Promptly, Jasbir assures them that he is en route. Upon Jasbir’s arrival, he directs his team to handle Purvi with care. Vaishali notices the group carrying a gunny sack and questions Jasbir about their contents.

To deflect any suspicion, Jasbir fabricates a story that the waiters mistakenly brought potatoes and they are simply removing them. But Vaishali becomes skeptical, questioning why waiters would be tasked with such a job when there is staff specifically designated for it. Her suspicions arise that Jasbir and his accomplices may have taken something and she requests to inspect the sack. In response, Jasbir agrees and invites her to do so herself. However, before she can check, he swiftly knocks her unconscious with a plate.

Jasbir reaches into the gunny sack and discovers it’s not Purvi. He orders his men to open it and they realize they have mistakenly abducted Juhi instead. Jasbir reprimands them and instructs them to return with him to capture Purvi. Meanwhile, Sahil realizes that the money is missing from his bag and assumes the culprits must have taken it. This angers him greatly. He is then informed by one of Jasbir’s accomplices about their whereabouts and he immediately sets off with a gun to retrieve the money.

Diya reminds Yug that it’s time to put their plan into action. After some hesitation, he agrees and puts on a bar dancer song, knowing Neha’s intoxicated state will make her unable to resist dancing. The Malhotra family is taken aback by the choice of music and RV demands that it be stopped. However, Yug proudly reveals Diya’s plan to both RV and Purvi. Everyone watches closely to see if Neha will give in to the music, but when she doesn’t, Diya steps forward to encourage her. After Harleen pauses the music and offers her apologies to the guests, Purvi resumes playing the music.

Diya begins dancing, which prompts Neha to join in and mirror a bar dancer’s moves. One of the reporters recognizes Neha as a former bar dancer from their previous meeting. RV silently appreciates Purvi for not giving up, relieved that the truth has been revealed. Unexpectedly, Jasbir sneaks up behind Purvi and uses chloroform to abduct her before escaping with her. Meanwhile, Sahil suffers a beating from thieves who warn him never to return asking for money. Dejected, he drives away in his car. Jasbir then places Purvi in his car and gets ready to leave with her.






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