Rabb Se Hai Dua 4th October 2024 Written Update

Rabb Se Hai Dua 4th October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Rabb Se Hai Dua 4th October 2024 Written Update. In Rabb Se Hai Dua written update today, Upon learning of Kaynaat and Armaan’s conspiracy, Ibaadat refuses to have them in her home. She boldly confronts Kaynaat, stating that they are incapable of harming her. Ibaadat is willing to go to extreme lengths after being betrayed by her husband. She warns them that she will not hesitate to eliminate them if they pose a threat to her family and relationship. This causes fear in Armaan and Gulnaz, who try to maintain a strategic relationship with Ibaadat.

Mannat reassures Armaan that Ibaadat would never act on those words, but Ibaadat reminds her that she would do whatever it takes to protect her bond with Subhan. If she sees Mannat getting too close to Subhan again, there will be consequences. As soon as Ibaadat exits the room, Kaynaat falls ill and Gulnaz goes to the kitchen to serve her some food. Ibaadat has graciously prepared a delicious meal for Subhan, but he refuses to accept it from her.

To bridge the distance between them, she decides to approach him whenever he tries to keep his distance. As they all gather around the dining table for breakfast, Ibaadat confidently declares that she will not be cooking for anyone. When Mannat attempts to summon the cook and house help, Ibaadat reveals that she has already sent them home. Mannat opts to order takeout, while Gulnaz and Kaynaat refuse to eat from a restaurant. Many individuals decline spicy dishes.

Ibaadat requests Mannat to cook for the group, causing her discomfort. She is in a dilemma but has no opportunity to admit she lacks cooking skills. After exhausting all other options, Mannat suggests preparing the food herself, but with only one recipe. Gulnaz and Kaynaat are disappointed by this news. In the meantime, Ibaadat brings some food for Hamida and Dua, yet she does not offer it to anyone else. While indulging in the various dishes, Hamida and Dua deeply admire Ibaadat’s culinary prowess. They eagerly invite her to join them at their table, but she only partakes in her meal after ensuring that Subhan is satiated.

Subhan is often urged to finish his share of food while at work, with no other alternative at hand. Meanwhile, Ibaadat consumes her portion of food. To provoke jealousy among others, both Hamida and Dua openly extol the delectable dishes crafted by Ibaadat. However, the remainder of the food is distributed among guests, despite Ibaadat’s objections to serving it to those in need.


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