GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi's woes

GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi’s woes

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi’s woes. In Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein written update today, Mrunmayee informs Aman that Rajat kicked Savi out of the house, questioning her character. Aman, concerned, asks Savi if this is true and why Rajat would do such a thing. Mrunmayee dismisses the conversation, mocking Aman for being powerless against Rajat, even calling him worthless. Aman, feeling defensive, tries to justify Rajat’s actions and suggests that he and Savi go talk to him. Mrunmayee belittles Aman further, claiming he is nothing more than Rajat’s servant. Determined, Aman insists that he will speak to Rajat and leaves.

Aman heads to Rajat’s house, but Lucky informs him that Rajat hasn’t returned yet. Meanwhile, Savi, overwhelmed by her humiliation, falls asleep, haunted by thoughts of her treatment at the Thakkar house. Rajat, while driving, reflects on the accusations against him and wonders aloud why no one confronted him directly, though now everyone seems to be blaming him for everything. Back at home, Savi wakes up and sees an elephant doll that brings back memories of her time with Sai.

The following day, Isha finds Savi asleep on the sofa, clutching the doll. In her sleep, Savi murmurs for Sai to wake up and get ready for school. Holding back tears, Isha gently wakes Savi and reminds her it’s time for school. Still hurt from the previous day’s events, Savi tells Isha that she doesn’t want to go to school. Isha encourages her to not let the Thakkar family’s accusations bring her down, urging her to move forward and regain her strength. However, Savi expresses that she feels unable to move on. Shantanu steps in, acknowledging that Savi’s experience was unjust but reminds her that it shouldn’t define her. He points out her responsibilities as both a teacher and a mother to Sai, motivating Savi to agree to go to school.

GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi's woes

As Savi heads to school, she looks at the Thakkar family’s main door, wondering if Sai is ready. She contemplates checking on her daughter but holds back, still hurt from her humiliation. Meanwhile, Bhagyashree wakes up Sai and helps her get ready. Sai expresses that she wants Savi to help her, but Bhagyashree informs her that Savi has already left for school and offers to help instead. Sai decides she will eat lunch with Savi at school and rushes off. Tara, overhearing this, comments to Bhagyashree that Savi has manipulated Sai too much.

GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi's woes

In another scene, Chitra calls Arsh, sharing the news of Savi’s arrest. Arsh, pleased with the update, informs Ashika that they’ve received good news. Bhagyashree drops Sai off at school, and Sai eagerly runs to meet Savi, calling out to her. However, Savi doesn’t hear her, as the peon stops Savi to inform her that the principal wants to see her immediately. Once inside the principal’s office, Savi is shocked to learn that she is being suspended. She demands to know why, and Arsh and Ashika arrive to accuse her of blackmailing her colleague, stating she is dangerous to be around children. Despite Savi’s desperate attempts to deny the accusations, the principal, staff, and parents side with Arsh. The principal informs Savi that she is suspended until her name is cleared. Devastated, Savi leaves the room.

GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi's woes

Outside, Savi encounters a protest against her. As she walks away in despair, Ashika praises Arsh for his clever strategy. Arsh smugly states that Savi deserves this punishment for deceiving them in matters related to Sai. Kian insults Savi and tells Sai that Savi isn’t her real mother and has been suspended. Hurt and confused, Sai steps back and runs away from Savi. Savi calls out to her, but Ashika blocks her and warns her to stay away from Sai. Savi, refusing to leave until she sees her daughter, tries to enter the school but is stopped by other parents. She pleads with the principal, but he refuses to let her see Sai. Left with no other option, Savi walks away, heartbroken.

GHKKPM 12th October 2024 Written Update Savi's woes

Inside the school, Sai locks herself in the bathroom, crying uncontrollably. Her class teacher bangs on the door, urging her to come out. Meanwhile, Savi walks aimlessly down the road, utterly broken by the events that have unfolded.

In the next episode, Savi learns that Sai is unwell and, deeply concerned, rushes to the Thakkar house to see her daughter. Upon arriving, she pleads with Tara and Bhagyashree to let her see Sai, hoping to take care of her in her time of need. However, Tara and Bhagyashree are unmoved by Savi’s desperation and coldly refuse her request. Despite Savi’s emotional appeals, they both forcibly throw her out of the house, leaving Savi devastated and unable to be with Sai while she is sick.


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