Kundali Bhagya 16th October 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 16th October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Kundali Bhagya 16th October 2024 Written Update. In Kundali Bhagya written update today, Karan is showing Rakhi the venue where the Ramleela performance will take place. Rakhi is pleased to hear that the same talented troupe that performed last year will be returning. As they talk, Karan reassures her that this year’s performance will also be a success, and Rakhi is delighted by the news. Meanwhile, Kavya tells Rajveer about an incident involving Shaurya and Preeta during a lunch. Rajveer is optimistic, stating that Preeta will surely guide Shaurya down the right path. Mahesh expresses his pride in Preeta for taking responsibility for Shaurya, while Dadi praises Preeta’s efforts, adding that Shaurya’s poor behavior is a result of Nidhi’s influence. Unbeknownst to them, Nidhi overhears this conversation, becoming increasingly frustrated.

In a separate scene, Palki is telling her family about the same lunch incident between Shaurya and Preeta. Daljeet voices her disapproval, stating that she does not want Preeta involved in the Luthras’ affairs. Daljeet also fears that once Shanaya marries into the Luthra family, Preeta might start giving her orders. Palki is confused by Daljeet’s words and asks her why she feels that way. Shanaya assures Daljeet that she is not naive and can handle Preeta on her own. Palki, on the other hand, believes Preeta is doing the right thing by guiding Shaurya and asserts that only Preeta can change him for the better. When Palki goes inside, Sukhwinder suggests to Daljeet that she should talk to Preeta alone, and Daljeet agrees.

Back at the Luthra house, Nidhi confronts Rakhi, expressing her frustration that despite all she has done for the family, no one appreciates her. She is particularly hurt by Rakhi giving Preeta the position of Shaurya’s mother. Rakhi responds by calmly reminding Nidhi that Preeta is, in fact, Shaurya’s biological mother. Nidhi, feeling even more upset, asks Rakhi what her role is in the family, reminding her that although she didn’t give birth to Shaurya, she loves him deeply. Rakhi acknowledges Nidhi’s feelings but also points out that Nidhi failed in raising Shaurya with good values. She also emphasizes that Preeta lives in the hearts of the Luthra family because she is fulfilling her role as Shaurya’s mother. Nidhi argues that Preeta was only given this role because of Rakhi.

Karan enters the conversation and criticizes Nidhi, saying she failed as a mother, which is why Rakhi gave the maternal role to Preeta. Rakhi tries to clarify that she didn’t “give” Preeta any rights—Preeta naturally has the responsibility as Shaurya’s mother. Nidhi, hurt and upset, asks why no one understands her pain. Karan, however, insists that Nidhi should apologize to Rakhi. Though Rakhi tries to diffuse the situation and prevent further conflict, Nidhi eventually says sorry and leaves. Afterward, Rakhi expresses to Karan that although they are doing the right thing, they may have hurt Nidhi. Karan reassures her that Preeta will guide Shaurya down the correct path, unaware that Nidhi has overheard their conversation once again. Distraught, Nidhi later meets with Aarohi and confides that she is losing her status as Shaurya’s mother. Aarohi advises her to go to Varun’s house the following day.

The next day, Preeta decorates the house for the Vijayadashami puja, and Karan, hearing everyone talk about Preeta, remarks that it is a victory for Preeta, as she is being acknowledged and appreciated in the family. Nidhi, silently watching, becomes more bitter and leaves.

Later, Nidhi meets with Anshuman and Varun, asking how they are feeling. She reminds them of a promise they made to her, implying they owe her something in return for her assistance, particularly in arranging Varun’s bail. Varun recalls how Nidhi helped him because she needed his help, not out of kindness. During their conversation, Nidhi speaks poorly of Sherlyn and Prithvi, calling Varun a “duffer” like his parents, which infuriates him. In a fit of rage, Varun attempts to strangle Nidhi, but Anshuman intervenes and pulls him away. Nidhi, furious, slaps Varun, but this only angers him more, and he tries to attack her again. Anshuman steps in once more, threatening to kill Varun before Varun can harm Nidhi. The tension escalates as violence looms between them.


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