Bhagya Lakshmi 17th October 2024 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 17th October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 17th October 2024 Written Update. Today in Bhagya Lakshmi written update, Ayush asks Shalu to drive the car slowly. Shalu tells Ayush that she is driving fast because of him and reminds him that he was the one who made them take the wrong turn, which is why they are late to help Lakshmi and Rishi. Shalu tells Ayush not to apologize, as neither will his mistake be forgiven nor will their lost time come back. Ayush agrees and asks Shalu to stop blaming him for such a small thing and comments on it. He then asks her again to drive the car slowly. Shalu reminds Ayush that he also drives as fast as her.

Ayush responds that he drives fast because he knows how to, and says he’s not sure if she can drive, but he still took the risk of getting in the car. Annoyed by this, Shalu drives even faster. Ayush, seeing this, warns Shalu that there’s a wall ahead and asks her to slow down. Shalu doesn’t slow down. Ayush, realizing the situation, apologizes to Shalu and tells her he knows she can drive. Hearing this, Shalu turns the car and drives away safely. Ayush thanks God.

Malishka and Vijay arrive at the police station. Kiran also arrives and asks Malishka what she’s doing there. Malishka asks Kiran how she knew she was at the police station. Kiran comments that something big has happened and asks Vijay why Malishka was called there. Vijay replies that they brought her in for questioning. Malishka tells Vijay to be direct and say they brought her to take her statement. Kiran asks Vijay if they suspect Malishka and expresses disbelief. She tells Vijay that Malishka will not enter the police station and that she is leaving with her.

Vijay tells Kiran that if Malishka doesn’t come for questioning, she could go to jail for obstruction of justice. Vijay then informs a police inspector that he needs to stay there. The inspector says he has to leave because Inspector Santosh has gone missing and called them, saying he’s with a little girl in a Malad warehouse. The inspector adds that Rishi, Lakshmi, Shalu, and Ayush have also gone to the warehouse. Hearing this, Malishka realizes she needs to alert Balwinder.

Aanchal comments on Lakshmi and tells Neelam that they should throw Lakshmi out of the house. Neelam replies that once it’s confirmed Lakshmi is behind Parvati’s kidnapping, she will throw her out. Vijay asks Malishka what her relationship with Lakshmi is. Kiran again asks Vijay if they are suspecting Malishka and how they could think that. Malishka calms Kiran down, telling her to relax or her blood pressure will shoot up again. She signals Kiran to act sick. Kiran then tells Malishka she isn’t feeling well.

Malishka asks Vijay to allow her to take Kiran outside to calm her down. Vijay agrees. Malishka takes Kiran aside and tells her to call Balwinder, mentioning that Parvati is with him. Malishka says she will give Kiran Balwinder’s phone number. Vijay, however, asks Malishka to leave her phone behind if she’s going outside. Malishka worries about how she will pass Balwinder’s phone number to Kiran without her phone.

Rishi and Lakshmi arrive at the warehouse but don’t find anyone. They start arguing, each accusing the other of alerting the kidnappers and being responsible for Parvati’s kidnapping. As they argue, they hear a noise. Rishi and Lakshmi realize someone is there and begin looking for Parvati. Rishi shouts for Parvati, and she shouts back for him. Rishi and Lakshmi follow the voice and find Parvati held by a kidnapper. Rishi rescues her by fighting Balwinder. One of Balwinder’s accomplices points a gun at the inspector and orders Rishi to release Balwinder. Rishi complies, but Shalu and Ayush attack the accomplices from behind. Rishi and the others then fight off the kidnappers. Amid the confusion, Balwinder manages to escape with Parvati.

Kiran tells Malishka that she will leave and there’s no need for her to come along. Meanwhile, Balwinder takes Parvati upstairs and throws her down the stairs before fleeing. The police inspector chases after him. Rishi and Lakshmi rush Parvati to the hospital. When they arrive, Rishi pleads with the receptionist to call a doctor. A nurse asks them to place Parvati on a stretcher. The doctor arrives, and they beg him to save her, explaining that she fell down the stairs. The doctor assures them he will check on Parvati.






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