Bhagya Lakshmi 30th November 2023 Written Update Sly Malishka

Bhagya Lakshmi 30th November 2023 Written Update Sly Malishka

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 30th November 2023 Written Update Sly Malishka. Rishi implores Lakshmi to promise that she will overcome her fear of fire. Tearful and worried, Lakshmi quickly extinguishes the flames and gives her word. She embraces Rishi with concern, causing Malishka to question if Lakshmi is truly crazy or deliberately trying to drive her mad. Rishi reveals that he had a dream where Lakshmi saved him from fire but now worries she won’t be able to if she remains afraid. In response, Lakshmi assures him she will protect him no matter what and pulls him into another hug. Later, Malishka becomes increasingly frustrated with Lakshmi while Sonal inquires about her true intentions. However, Malishka insists she will unveil her plan directly and promises this Diwali will be one for the Oberoi family to remember.

Pandit Ji instructs Rishi to hand out the Holy sweets, but Lakshmi insists on eating them first. As she reaches for the plates, some fall to the ground, causing Karishma to become upset and berate Lakshmi for her carelessness. Ayush and the family scold Karishma for her words, leading her to storm off in tears, declaring that she no longer wants to celebrate Diwali. However, Lakshmi stops her and picks up the dropped sweets, determined not to break tradition. Dadi then advises Karishma to refrain from saying hurtful things and instead enjoy a peaceful celebration of Diwali with the rest of the family.

Rishi hands out the sweets to everyone and then joins her in indulging in the holy treats. Karishma shares with Neelam that Lakshmi is feigning insanity and using it as an excuse to get back at her. She expresses concern about Lakshmi’s potential next moves and fears the consequences of a major mistake on her part. In the midst of this, Malishka arrives and reveals to Neelam that playing the mad card allows Lakshmi to get away with anything. She suggests that Lakshmi should be institutionalized, as per Neelam’s suggestion, but Rishi refuses to listen and happily serves her. Malishka voices her worry about Rishi ruining his life and vows to pray for their safety from Lakshmi.

Malishka is pleased to plant negative thoughts about Lakshmi, which will ultimately aid in her departure. Meanwhile, Ayush approaches Neelam and the others to invite them for fireworks, but Karishma abruptly insists they are not foolish like Lakshmi. In another place, Lakshmi and Rishi spend quality time together, completely absorbed in each other’s company. Ayush comes to Lakshmi’s defense, assuring them she is not crazy but has just regressed into a childlike state. Neelam also reminds Karishma not to ruin the festive mood as it is a family tradition to celebrate Diwali joyously and welcome the new year with positivity. Meanwhile, Rishi and Lakshmi playfully tease each other while enjoying some delicious sweets. As the festivities continue, Dadi and the rest of the family light firecrackers when they are joined by Rishi and Lakshmi.






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