Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 23rd March 2024 Written Update Virat clued

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 23rd March 2024 Written Update Virat clued

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 23rd March 2024 Written Update Virat clued. Virat assists Bhavani in retrieving Amruta’s dupatta stuck under the gas can. She expresses gratitude to him for helping Amruta. Virat suggests Bhavani take a break and promises to clean up the kitchen. However, she insists he doesn’t have to do it. Virat playfully remarks on her refusal to let him help. He points out that both Amruta and Bhavani have a similar stubbornness in not listening to him. Despite this, he encourages Bhavani to sit down while he takes care of the cleaning. She then demonstrates the proper way to do it. From a distance, Amruta observes this exchange and wonders about Virat’s intentions in trying to get closer to Bhavani – especially considering his role in their current homeless situation.

Regardless, she acknowledges that she should still thank Virat for his assistance with her sister. In her heart, Amruta expresses her thanks to him. Meanwhile, Abhiraj watches everything unfold from a distance and worries about their potential friendship as it may jeopardize his plans. Abhiraj ensures Amruta overhears him when he talks to himself, mentioning that the knife should be there if the gas pipe is cut. He also believes that Virat might have been involved in the blast, as he had gone to the terrace before it happened. Abhiraj confirms his suspicion by watching the video of Virat going to the terrace. When Amruta asks about Virat’s whereabouts, Abhiraj denies having any knowledge and mentions that Virat appeared in the background while he was talking to his mother.

This leads Amruta to become suspicious of Virat after seeing the video and she eventually leaves. Bhavani expresses her gratitude to Virat for cleaning the kitchen, while he enquires about Puran Poli. In response, Bhavani offers Puran Poli to him. Amruta approaches Virat with questions about his actions, to which he responds by asking her what she means. When Amruta clarifies that she is talking about the blast, she immediately blames Virat for it. He argues in his defense, insisting he had nothing to do with the explosion. Despite his efforts, Amruta refuses to listen and Virat decides it’s pointless to continue explaining. Abhiraj contacts his mother upon her arrival and Harsh and Jahan are seen returning to the apartment complex.

The two get into a heated argument, causing Bhavani to step in and ask them to stop their constant bickering over trivial matters. Adding on, Bhavani mentions how Virat had helped her clean the kitchen earlier. However, Amruta interrupts their conversation and warns them against trusting Virat because he is responsible for the blast. She claims to have evidence from a video and makes harsh comments about Virat’s character. As they all disperse from the area, Virat overhears everything being said about him. Virat confronts Amruta, questioning her belief that he would harm her simply to satisfy his pride. After Amruta confirms her suspicion, Virat tries to clear his name and makes remarks about her. Eventually, he leaves the conversation.

However, Amruta takes action by contacting the police station and requesting a restraining order against Virat for endangering their family. Meanwhile, Virat ponders over who could be targeting the Chiknesh family in such a way. Upon realizing that Ishika has not returned with the glucose she was supposed to bring for Babita, Virat becomes suspicious of her and asks why she failed to do so. As Ishika approaches to collect a file from him, Virat hands it over and questions her further about the missing glucose.

Continue reading, YRKKH 22nd March 2024 Written Update Happy Union


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