Anupama 13th May 2024 Written Update New Triangle

Anupama 6th May 2024 Written Update Big Day

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Anupama 6th May 2024 Written Update Big Day. As Anuj watches Aadhya dancing at Tiya Academy, he envisions Anupama joining in too. The joy on his face is evident as they sway to the music. The audience can’t help but clap for them. Grateful to Diya, Anuj expresses his pride in Aadhya and believes that her presence will aid in her healing. Seeing Anu and Aadhya dance together is a lifelong dream of his, one that he hopes God will fulfill. Aadhya plots for Anupama’s downfall without the diary and contemplates going back to India once she fails.

As they return home, Anupama continues her search for the diary with no success. Comforting her, Anuj assures her that they will find it and asks where she last had it. Remembering it was on the dining table, Aadhya smirks as she checks the torn pages in her room, knowing she won’t give up the upper hand easily. Realizing she can’t take the diary to the competition, Anupama feels disheartened but Anuj encourages her not to see it as a failure but rather as a small test. Reminding her of her talents, he urges her not to lose. Anupama arrives for the competition.

She promises to give it her all and uphold the trust of the nation while also preserving the opportunity given by him. Anuj also prays hoping for Anupama’s victory. He acknowledges that he doesn’t have the right to stand by her side, but can offer his prayers. Sally inquires about the contestants’ nerves. One contestant expresses their anxiety, stating that they need money for their wife’s cancer treatment. Another contestant left their job to pursue their dream of becoming a top chef and needs support from their extended family. The third contestant comes from a working-class background and discusses how winning would help them survive financially.

Sally makes a call to Anupama, who expresses her delight at seeing her again. Sally inquires about Anupama’s well-being, to which she responds positively and expresses gratitude for the second chance. Keith then asks if Anupama believes she can emerge as the winner of this competition. Anupama shares her determination to win not only for herself but also for her boss’s restaurant, Spice and Chutney, which she hopes to restart and regain her job. She also mentions her desire to win to establish herself as a capable woman, who often faces limited opportunities.

Expressing her anger towards the wild card entry process, Anupama thanks everyone present and states that she wants to win for all the women who aspire big and dare to succeed. The audience applauds in appreciation. Anuj is cheering on the competition on TV when Aadhya and Shruti join him. Aadhya expresses her desire to watch the competition as well, saying they want to see what will happen today. Sally compliments their enthusiasm, while Hitachi admires their honesty. Sally warmly welcomes them, while Keith reminds them not to let this opportunity slip away.

Shruti hopes that Anupama will emerge victorious and put aside any thoughts of Anuj and Aadhya. On the other hand, Anuj holds onto hope for her triumph, while Aadhya fears her defeat. The judges emphasize that contestants will be evaluated based on their preparations. Kavya also arrives to watch the program, accompanied by Dimpy who offers to make coffee for everyone. Keith reveals that they have invited families to support the contestants. Anupama’s heart swells with joy as she sees Kinjal and Pari among her family members present there; they shower her with hugs and wish her luck.






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