Anupama 20th May 2024 Written Update Ire attack

Anupama 20th May 2024 Written Update Ire attack

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Anupama 20th May 2024 Written Update Paritosh’s ire. Paritosh is irritated with Vikram for spilling water on his shirt and Anupama is upset with him for his behavior. Kavya expresses her desire for Dimple to hold onto Titu, who Dimple tells her she admires the jewelry that Titu brought. As they reminisce about their past with Vanraj, Kavya notices something off and asks Dimple about it. Kavya believes that Vanraj should accept Mahi, but Dimple reminds her to be patient as he will come around eventually. They also talk about starting a make-up business together.

Meanwhile, they discover that Anupama has been featured in the newspaper. Paritosh questions if she is acting strange, while Anupama angrily confronts him for mistreating Vikram, calling him a waiter in front of his friends. She then asks him to apologize to Yashdeep, Rahul, and Vikram for his behavior towards them and clean up after himself. Paritosh becomes agitated during this exchange. Anupama and Paritosh get into an argument. She hands him his waiter jacket and instructs him to put it on. Turning to their friends, she reveals that he works as a waiter at this restaurant.

Anupama then asks Paritosh to apologize to Yashdeep, Vikram, and Rahul for his disrespectful behavior. He promptly asks for forgiveness. She also invites their friends to visit the restaurant with their families during Paritosh’s break time. They agree and leave. Continuing her instructions, Anupama suggests that Paritosh give the untouched food to the homeless and the half-eaten food to birds and animals. She also asks him to wrap his sandwich for lunch later on. Paritosh collects the food and leaves while Anupama assures everyone that no food will go to waste. Paritosh’s emotions overflow as he vents his anger and sheds tears. His desire for revenge emerges.

Anupama takes accountability for her actions and apologizes to Vikram, Rahul, and Yashdeep. She advises Yashdeep not to tolerate Paritosh’s mistreatment any longer and gives him permission to terminate his employment if necessary. As she apologizes once again, Yashdeep reassures her that everything is alright. He silently signals the staff to leave. Yashdeep is hopeful that Paritosh will improve his behavior. He requests her to give him sweets and informs her that her news has been published in the newspaper. Yashdeep also mentions that a food critic will be visiting their restaurant in two days and emphasizes on the importance of receiving good ratings/reviews for their success.

He adds that he won’t be able to handle it himself as he has some bank work and asks Anupama to take charge. Anupama agrees and asks when the food critic is coming, to which Yashdeep replies it’s on the same day as Aadhya’s birthday. Hasmukh suggests getting a card printed for blessings from God, but Vanraj feels there is enough time for it. Ishani then asks what they should call Vanraj when Ansh starts calling him Papa, to which Vanraj responds that he will be Uncle for Ishani. When Paritosh arrives home, he interrupts Kinjal who was on a call with a client, causing her to lose the project. Kinjal explains that it was her first project and Paritosh comments saying she is just like Anupama whose popularity will soon fade away. He predicts that the trophy will go and times will change.

Anupama 20th May 2024 Written Update Ire attack

Kavya shares her plans of taking a skin treatment course and receives well-wishes from Leela and the rest. Ansh suggests celebrating with ice cream, while Pakhi takes a dig at her. Kavya confidently states that people will seek her services once her show becomes successful. Hasmukh encourages her to open her own parlour one day. Vanraj dismisses it as a dream, but Kavya believes in starting with dreams and mentions Anupama’s journey as inspiration.

Vanraj brings up Anupama’s waitressing job and predicts her downfall. In a dream, Anupama impresses a food critic with her cooking skills and American-style presentation, earning the highest rating. She prays for her dream to come true before dancing joyfully in the kitchen and accidentally dropping a spoon, which is caught by Anuj. He urges her to keep dancing and tells her about the upcoming visit of a food critic on Aadhya’s birthday, assuring good ratings. He leaves, while Anupama continues to dance happily while preparing food.


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