GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan's vow

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan’s vow

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan’s vow. Ishaan roams from one police station to another, where constables bother him and inform Patil. Eventually, he arrives at a final police station, where the inspector contacts Patil. In response, Patil requests that Ishaan be let go as he has surely learned his lesson. Ishaan retrieves his car and heads to college, hoping to make it for the last lecture. However, he notices Nishikant hurrying out, mentioning an urgent matter. Curiosity piqued, he follows her and is taken aback when he sees Savi accompanied by policemen attempting to arrest Yashwant for setting fire to her shop.

Yashwant vehemently denies these allegations and questions Patil’s authority to arrest without concrete evidence. To this, Patil states that they can detain anyone based on suspicion alone. Ishaan reprimands Savi for accusing Yashwant, prompting Patil to warn him against interfering and potentially being arrested. As the argument continues, Yashwant’s lawyer arrives with anticipatory bail and informs Patil that he cannot arrest their client at the moment. Undeterred, Patil vows to catch the true culprit and departs with his team. Reeva encourages Ishaan to turn against Savi, claiming that Savi purposely set fire to her shop and filed a false complaint against Yashwant.

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan's vow

Reeva believes Savi is acting out of spite after being rejected by Ishaan and his family, and shows no concern for anyone else. However, Reeva cares deeply for Ishaan and wants him to divorce Savi and marry her instead. Ishaan disagrees with Reeva’s characterization of Savi, insisting she is not as malicious as she portrays her to be. Reeva clarifies that she is talking about their relationship with each other, while Ishaan is solely focused on discussing Savi. As they climb the steps of the temple carrying Savi and Sayili, Sachin faces criticism from Sayili for shirking his responsibilities. In turn, Savi takes a jab at Ishaan for using his supposed sense of responsibility to cover up his mistakes. Despite this tension between them, Ishaan vows to fulfill his duties. Sachin becomes annoyed by Sayili’s comments. Keep reading for GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan’s vow.

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan's vow

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan’s vow:

Bhawar Patil is questioned by his friend about his actions. In response, he explains that he has encountered many women, but Savi stands out. Bhawar admits to being in love with her and declares that she now belongs to him. Concerned for his well-being, Bhawar’s friend advises him not to engage in any risky behavior. Dismissing his friend’s warning, Bhawar contemplates ways to win over Savi’s affection. Savi enters the shop and notices the owner is in the middle of repainting the tea stall. Immediately, Savi assumes that the owner plans to rent out the shop to someone else.

However, the owner quickly reassures Savi that they will be receiving this shop. Confused, Savi questions why the owner would make such a decision when an FIR is pending against them. The owner explains that Bhawar Patil had convinced them it would be advantageous to rent out the shop to them. To prove their point, the owner presents Bhawar Patil as evidence. Savi inquires of Bhawar Patil why he took this action. He explains that his prior investigation revealed the tea stall’s popularity, and he convinced the shop owner to return it to Savi. In their later conversation, Savi questions why Yashwant was arrested solely on a complaint, as another officer might not have taken such action.

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan's vow

Bhawar Patil notes that he did so for her, as he believed in her honesty and offers his opinion on the matter. While they could not legally punish Yashwant, Bhawar Patil is confident that divine justice will prevail. Sadly, Yashwant’s car is set ablaze, but Savi tries to extinguish the flames. Bhawar Patil reassures her that there is no need for her intervention, as he believes God is already punishing Yashwant. Yashwant and Nishikant witness Savi and Bhawar Patil watching his car burning, seemingly unconcerned. Later, Yashwant discusses the incident with Nishikant at home.

Overhearing their conversation, Ishaan expresses doubt that Savi could have done such a thing. Yashwant believes she is seeking revenge on him through Bhawar Patil’s assistance. Meanwhile, Savi is shown playing with the children at an orphanage. Harini notes that she hasn’t seen Savi smile like this in a long time. As Savi is about to stumble, Ishaan catches her. She removes her blindfold and realizes it’s him. The orphanage warden mentions that Ishaan sponsors all the students there and visits often with toys for them. Ishaan confirms he knows Savi, who reveals she is a student of his. The warden praises their connection and its positive impact on the children. Upon noticing Preeti’s nine-month pregnancy, Savi offers to serve food to the children instead.

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan's vow

She reassures Preeti and turns her attention towards Ishaan, who remembers Nishikant and Yashwant. He questions Savi’s refusal of Chinmay’s help and her willingness to accept Bhawar Patil’s assistance. Suddenly, they notice that Preeti’s water has broken and suggest taking her to the hospital. However, the orphanage warden informs them that the bad condition of the road will make it difficult for Preeti to travel. Ishaan goes to get a doctor while Savi helps Preeti lie down on the bed. The orphanage warden notices that the baby’s legs are visible and advises an emergency operation. Recalling how Sai handled a delivery in the past, Savi decides to assist Preeti in delivering her baby while standing up, completing the delivery. Ishaan arrives with the doctor and informs that Savi has already helped Preeti deliver the baby.

The couple admire their newborn and engage in conversation. The doctor compliments them and suggests they consider starting a family of their own. Reeva interrupts, informing the orphanage warden that Ishaan and Savi are not together and are divorced. She then escorts Ishaan away while questioning Savi’s presence. Ishaan clarifies it is pure chance that they crossed paths there. In the meantime, Bhawar Patil approaches Savi and shares his background as an orphan raised in the same place.

GHKKPM 25th May 2024 Written Update Ishaan's vow


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